Part 28

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They both shifted slightly, putting a bit of distance between them as they watched Felicity approach.

Marina's eyes grew contemplative. "How long have you two been together?" Now why had she gone and asked that. She was starting to sound jealous. She was jealous. But she didn't need to broadcast the fact! The trouble was her heart appeared to be able to easily over rule any logic her head dictated. She'd just come to the conclusion that the safest option tonight was to take a breath, count to a zillion and then speak, unless she wanted to reveal more than she should. It had been close, telling him she had dressed as a hooker! What was she thinking? And to top that she had to go and sound jealous. Great. Just great.

Her question was a surprise. "We aren't together." He narrowed his gaze. She sounded jealous. Time to set her straight, for Rafe did not play those sorts of games. If he was here with a woman and in a relationship he would not be flirting with Marina. And he had definitely been flirting, even if she might not have realised it! "Not the way you mean." Rafe replied and hoped her question signaled an interest in him. Time to make sure she knew he was free, and available! He made sure his gaze locked with Marina's so that she could see the sincerity in his eyes and read the honesty in his words. "She's a good friend. And she's with one my best friends." Marina's brows rose. Rafe shook his head at her. "I'm not poaching! He's overseas at the moment. I needed a partner for this reception, and asked Fliss if she wanted to come. We are good friends. Nothing more." He said matter of fact. Marina quirked a brow. "Single men at weddings have a target on their butt!" Rafe told her with a broad grin. Marina chuckled.

"You guys seem to be having fun." Felicity said as she took her seat. She was pleased to see Rafe and Marina talking animatedly. For a moment a while back she thought things might have gone pear-shaped. But now it looked like things were back on course.

"He was just telling me that single guys have a target on their butt."

"So he says. That's why I'm here. His body guard." Felicity grinned, "Though I should ask for danger money. You didn't say anything about Alistair. I keep dropping Ted's name into the conversation, just to make sure Alistair knows I'm not available! But to be honest I don't think he hears anything but his voice."

"Where is he?" Rafe glanced over his shoulder and did a quick scan of the area.

"I saw him at the table by the exit. He seemed settled for the evening." There was a great deal of relief in that statement.

"You think you've bought us some freedom?"

"I think he thinks we are boring!" Felicity corrected drolly. They all chuckled. Felicity watched the interaction between Rafe and Marina. Something had changed. Again! She knew Rafe could handle her bluntness, she hoped Marina could too. "You two seem to be getting on better!" She teased and then shook her head at Rafe and Marina who looked ready to interrupt. "And don't try to kid a kidder. It's been a rollercoaster of an evening."

Not just an evening, Marina was tempted to correct Felicity.

"I mean it started off rather frosty." Felicity's eyes danced as Rafe's eyes narrowed in warning. Felicity ignored the censure, "Very reserved!"

"Reserved?" Rafe queried in disbelief. He'd gone out of his way to be nice to Marina!

"Then I thought you guys might just be getting on, but when you came back from that first dance, you seemed off each other again!" Felicity ignored his interjection.

The woman was clearly astute, thought Marina as she kept quiet and waited to see what conclusion Felicity reached.

"That's why you threw us together again? To just wind each other up some more?" Rafe chided. He knew Felicity well enough to know she would not take his challenge to heart.

"But you didn't wind each other up, did you? Or did you?" Felicity shrugged then winked, "You know what I think. I think, you like each other's company! So what's the big deal."

Rafe exhaled a huff of a sigh, "Nosy women!"

"Hey, you asked me to come to this. I'm just saying Marina is free and single, you are free and single, and I'm calling it a night." She announced rather bluntly.

Marina blinked. "What?" Now that was unexpected.

"And before you say it, no you are not taking me home." She told Rafe as she reached for her handbag, "I'm going. You are staying."

"That would be very ungallant." He used her earlier words.

"It's practical. Ted's back tomorrow. I'm going home. Got heaps I can be getting on with."

"I can't bring you to the reception and leave with Marina!" Rafe pointed out.

"Who said anything about leaving with me?" Marina challenged with consternation in her voice. It was one thing passing the time of the evening with him, with people around to keep things on safe ground. It was quite another to be left as his 'date' for the rest of the evening. There was no way she was going to do that. Not when she had yet to shore up her defences. It wasn't him. It was her. She wanted to be ready to handle Rafe and she knew that right now she was far from ready. More so because the feelings she thought she had for the man all those years ago, seemed to have simply been hibernating. And the hibernation period was now over. Well and truly over if her racing heart was anything to go on. 

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