Part 44

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Rafe nodded. "You locum." He reminded her, but it was posed as a question in essence. For by the tone in her voice she did more than locum. Marina nodded. "Here?" He clarified, may be that's why she had brought him here. To show him her working environment. "In this area?" That wasn't good. This area was not the safest. It was a rough neighbourhood. Now he'd worry about her working here. Was this her secret? Working here, in this part of town? But why keep that a secret?

"Kind of." Marina shrugged, sensing from his tone that he was not too pleased to learn she worked here. She could not afford to let his displeasure distract her from her decision to be honest with him. She remembered Isabelle's reaction all those years ago when Marina had brought her here and said she wanted them to set up the centre here! Isabelle had been far from pleased about that. But as Rafe and Isabelle knew, Marina, once she put her mind to something she did it! Marina licked suddenly dry lips, exhaled slowly then said quietly, her eyes holding his, "Look, I need your word." She knew that if he gave her his word, he would keep it. She was absolutely certain about that. It was one of the characteristics she loved. He was a man of his word.

"My word?" He sounded apprehensive. Why was she asking him for his word? Over the last two months they had operated on a basis of reliance and confidence in each other. Surely she knew that he stood by what he said, that she could rely on him without him having to give her his word. "For what?" He couldn't afford to promise something he might come to regret. He needed details before he gave his word for he never gave his word lightly.

"What I show you." Marina told him. Then she flicked her gaze up to meet his as she said more firmly, "What I tell you tonight." She still wasn't sure just how much he knew about their financial story, but given he did not know she worked in this area, that meant he didn't know about the centre at all. She began to wonder whether he knew anything about their situation. Maybe she had over reacted last night when he mentioned secrets and being kept in the dark.
Rafe wasn't sure quite what to make of the myriad of emotions that winged their way across her eyes. "Marina what's going on?" He watched as hope and anxiety grew in her gaze. "What ever it is, we can deal with it." If only he knew what it was that would be a start!

Marina looked at him in shock His words were unexpected. He'd said, 'we', she felt a mixture of relief and hope bloom, 'we can deal with it'. Feeling somewhat happier she blurted out, "Isabelle and I have worked hard to keep this place working."

"This place? Being?" He wasn't sure quite what to make of her statement. Working. What did they do here? Here of all places? Hardly a neighbourhood he'd have expected to find either sister. Let alone find either sister working here.

Last night after he'd got home he'd sat down and tried to figure out just what had happened. For none of it seemed real. They had broken up? Just like that? He went over and over their evening. And every time the fact they had split up registered as a shock. Which is why he decided they needed to talk. He was not going to leave things the way they were last night. Which is why he'd called her earlier today and asked to meet up for a chat. He hadn't expected her to suggest this part of town for their chat!

Marina exhaled slowly then she looked as if she had reached a decision. Rafe frowned. Now what was going on? Marina took a breath. "Come on." She opened the door and stepped out. Quickly she pulled up her hood, so that it shadowed her face. Slowly Rafe got out of the car. He used the remote to lock it, and then joined her on the pavement.

"What's going on?" He asked as he came closer. She looked tense and nervous. He couldn't recall ever seeing her this nervous. This woman of his was fearless, so what was it that had her looking like she was heading for the gallows.

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