Part 38

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They'd got into some serious heavy petting and a great deal of passionate kissing, but neither had pushed for it to go further. Not that either of them were in any doubt that they wanted things to go further. They just seemed to know that taking that step changed things. It warranted a relationship on a more permanent basis. Rafe wanted no secrets between them before he took that step and he knew that she was keeping secrets. Marina wanted to be able to tell him about the centre before she took that step. And that warranted a discussion with the family, for it was not just her life it would affect.

They were at a party on Friday night when everything that Marina had secretly worried about came to a head.

Rafe watched the sisters go through one of those cryptic conversations again, just before Isabelle smiled genially and left. Watching Marina's reaction, he knew that the conversation he'd just been party to, was not what it seemed on the surface. Time to put an end to these furtive moments. He knew what he wanted. Time to put his cards on the table. But first he wanted her to tell him what was going on, for as far as Rafe was concerned, trust was key in any relationship.

So he bided his time. He and Marina stayed on at the party for another half an hour, before he suggested that they call it a night. Marina didn't mind the early night though she did glance at her watch, wondering why he was suggesting they leave so early, it wasn't even ten yet, given she had agreed to come to this party, on the proviso that she was home by eleven that night. An eleven o'clock curfew, she decided would give her enough time to get changed and head down to the centre to run her night clinic.

For the last few weeks she had been juggling things very successfully. Nothing had changed, not really. She just had to be careful with her timings. The midnight to six shift was popular because of the free medical clinic she ran. She knew she was on duty later, and that it was clinic night, which is why Isabelle tried to tell her that she would cover if she was a bit late. Isabelle had watched Marina and Rafe and knew that Marina wanted to stay at the party for as long as she could. Which is why Isabelle had given her sister a hint that she could cover if Marina was running late! Isabelle went home soon after than conversation, intending to head over to the centre and cover until Marina arrived. Isabelle knew that she wouldn't and couldn't handle any of clinic duties, but she could deal with the other stuff.

Now why was Rafe suggesting an early night? That wasn't something Marina had anticipated. With his palm in the small of her back, Rafe gently steered Marina toward an open French door. They had arrived in his car, two hours ago, and on the drive over Marina had reminded him that she needed to be home by eleven. Her reason, which even at the time did not wash, was that she wanted to be home when her sister, Georgiana phoned that night. He was even less willing to believe that excuse despite the fact Isabelle had mentioned it and said not to worry, she'd keep Georgiana on the phone until Marina got home! Something fishy was going on. Time to find out what it was.

"Why are we leaving so early?" Marina asked as they reached the car. She liked the fact they were straight talking people.

"Thought you'd be pleased." He replied as he used the remote to unlock the car. "You said you needed to be home for Geogiana's call." He reminded her, waited a beat to see if she would come clean about the real reason for wanting to be home by eleven.

"Well, yes, but not till eleven." And given Isabelle had just given her an extension she had hoped to enjoy a bit more time with the man. Was he getting tired with her? Already? Marina felt a sudden jolt of anxiety race through her system. Was she moving too slow for him? Maybe his other girlfriends gave more.

Rafe held the car door open for her. Marina got in. He closed the door. Marina frowned as she watched him walk around the bonnet of the car to get to the driver's side. Now what was going on, she wondered. He seemed annoyed about something.

"Are you ok?" She asked when he got in to the car.

"Yes. Why?"

"Just wondered."

There was a strained atmosphere in the car on the short drive back to her home. Rafe was rehearsing what he wanted to say to her when they reached her house. Marina was trying to figure out whether she had misread the signals. Maybe he had become bored with her. Or maybe he wasn't happy with the fact they had been seeing each other for nearly two months and still hadn't been to bed with each other. Was she moving too slowly for him?

As he drove up the long driveway that led to the house he decided to start on his quest to find out what was going on.

Things were going to change tonight. Whatever secrets she was keeping were about to be rumbled.

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