Part 60

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It was nice to have the three girls back under one roof. The years had hit them all pretty hard in different ways. Marina had juggled work and socialising to maintain the façade of a family that had not a care in the world. Isabelle had juggled incoming and outgoings with the deft touch of a professional gambler. Georgiana had worked and sent every dollar she earned in Australia back to the family in New Zealand to help the family meet their day to day needs while they paid off the various debts. None of the three girls had what most young women would consider a normal rite of passage through their late teens. Instead of going out and living a carefree life, they had bunkered down, kept their family's financial woes to themselves and slowly but steadily contributed to dig the family out of debt.

Their grandmother was bursting with pride. These girls would never have imagined in their early childhood that they would be called to show such dept of character from such an early age. But they had. "Have I told you how proud I am of the three of you?" Their grandmother sounded serious. Their grandmother's tone had the three girls looking at their grandmother in confusion. Seeing she was serious, caught them somewhat unaware. Their grandmother was famous for her blunt statements. That's where the three girls got it from. "Very proud of all three of you." She said, looking at each girl in turn. "I know, that things are about to change, again. We are letting someone into our lives." The girls nodded in a somber mood. Their grandmother smiled at them. "And although Michael joined this family way back," she looked over and smiled at Georgiana, "your young man lives in Australia! It will be nice to have a man around the place!" Their grandmother teased.

Georgiana nearly burst out laughing, she knew that Michael considered her grandmother to be a formidable woman which is why he thought having an ocean between them was a safe move!

The twinkle returned to her grandmother's eyes as her grandmother said with a broad grin, "Rafe Harlington, like Michael O'Cannon, is a very lucky man! Even if I do say so myself!"

"Well, that's what I tell Michael everyday." Georgiana retorted blithely. The other two smirked.

A few seconds elapsed before their grandmother said in a serious tone of voice, " I would not trust any one of you, precious gifts as you are, to just anyone."

That was when her three grand daughters realised their eyes were misting with tears. Emotions rose to the surface. "We are fortunate to have those two men want to be in our lives." The girls offered watery smiles in response to their grandmother's statement. Seeing they were getting rather emotional, their grandmother changed tack. She looked over at her eldest grand daughter, "So, Isabelle, when are you going to find yourself a nice young man, and show the good sense your sisters have shown?" Georgiana and Marina burst out laughing. Isabelle rolled her eyes but said nothing. She knew that arguing the point would make no difference to her grandmother. "Leave it much longer and, I might just have to get involved and find you a man!" Her grandmother continued. Isabelle shook her head and huffed but said nothing. "I'm sure Marina and Rafe have invited some nice single young men to their wedding reception! Marina make sure to sit Isabelle near a nice, rich young man!"

"Yes, Nan." Marina feigned docility. Not wanting to point out to her grandmother that Isabelle, like Georgiana would be at the top table given they were her bridesmaids.

"And Marina, never thought I would say this to you, but Rafe's probably one of the best decisions you've ever made!"

This time it was Isabelle and Georgiana's turn to burst out laughing. "Thanks Nan." Marina retorted drolly. "I am capable of making good decisions..."

"Yes, like that time when you were ten and..."

"Exactly! I was just ten!" Marina interupted with a pointed reminder knowing they were about to highlight a particularly embarrassing event in her young life. "When are you lot going to stop reminding me about that!" The small party of women settled in to recount tales of days gone by. So it was quite late that evening when they eventually got to bed. As Marina climbed into bed, she sighed. "Things are about to change." She murmured to herself. In two weeks time she would no longer be living here and she would be Mrs Marina Harlington. They had a wedding rehearsal next week. Time seemed to be flying.  With a grin, she plumped up her pillows, lay her head down and murmured, "Well, dad, I'm marrying him!" With a smile on her lips she promptly fell asleep.

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