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Bastille tanked.

We were like the titanic. We had a good run until we hit that dreaded iceberg. And that damned iceberg was when Dan was diagnosed with Laryngeal cancer, cancer of the Larynx which holds the vocal chords.

He was devastated, but was too stubborn to do anything about it. He continued singing with us and creating new music. For a little while nothing changed until the music he wrote got too hard for him to sing. So he simplified the vocals, which fans didn't like.

We immediately lost many of our fans, and began losing money left and right. Dan began seeking treatment, the three of us helping him with money.

Just a year after Dan was diagnosed we had to quit the band. We simply no longer had the funds, and Dan getting better was more important.

The four of us made a pact to stay together. So we pulled all our left over money and managed to get a crappy two roomed apartment. In our apartment Woody and Chrissy had a room and Kyle and Janna had the other. I got the joy of the hard sofa, while Dan spent his days in the cancer center trying to get better.

After months of barely getting by, we got the genius idea of drugs. They would always be in demand, and racked up cash quickly. Dan still had five months of recovery left, and we were thousands of dollars in debt.

Me and Kyle were the delivery guys. Kyle was the fastest and I'm the strongest. Woody was the money and order handler, and after Dan recovered he was in charge of directions.

Luckily Dan recovered almost completely except he couldn't sing. All the surgeries had made his vocal chords extremely weak, and brittle. He became almost mute, whispering everything. He went from the quiet man who couldn't stop singing to the mute man, never speaking. Besides his lack of words he was the same Dan we had grown to love.

Anyways fast forward two years and the four of us are all living in pint house apartments, more money than we can handle. All of us have part time side jobs just so it doesn't look as shady, but our main occupation is drugs.


"Mr. Farquarson I need to speak with you for a second." The police officer says, I'm quick to follow him as he leads me through the empty station.

We stops at a room and follow him sitting down across from him. "We just need to know any details that might help with the case." He says, making me gulp.

"Me and Kyle were walking when we heard a gunshot so we stopped. And then we heard another and then the little girl ran out crying. That's when Kyle called you guys and I went in to check on the girl's parents. It looked like to me they had a fight. And yeah then you guys showed up." I answered proud of the smooth lie.

"Thank you." He smiled, scribbling down something onto paper. "I'm just wondering why you and this Kyle guy had guns on you."

"Me and him just carry them in case. You never know." I told him probably sounding like a paranoid freak.

"Thank you, you're free to leave." He said smiling as he stood up. "Wait!" I hollered making him stop in the doorway. "Yes?"

"What's gonna happen to that girl?" I asked, mentally cursing myself. "Well she'll probably be put in foster care. Her only living relatives are either elderly, or dead. Why?" He asked, looking at me curiously.

"I umm promised I'd take care of her." I mumbled embarrassed. "Well you can adopt her. It sure would help so we don't have all the paper work." He chuckled.

"Can I speak with her?" He nodded his head, leading me down the hallway to the room where she sat talking to another officer, holding onto a stuffed bear.

"Sweetie can I talk to you for a second?" I asked her, she nodded her head slowly. The officers left the room leaving me alone with the little girl.

"My mommy and daddy are dead right." She asked looking up at me with those big brown eyes. "Yes."

"Who's gonna take care of me?" She looked up from the ground, tears falling from her eyes.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Would you want me to take care of you?" I asked, nervous for her answer.

"Uh huh. You promised. You seem nice." She smiled. "Are you gonna be my new daddy?"

"Only if you want me to." I smiled back at her.

"I want you to!"

I smiled mentally cursing myself. I now had another life to take care of because of my soft spot.

"What's you name?" She asked. "I'm Will. And you are?" I asked bending down to take her small hand, giving it a small kiss.


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