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"This is nice." Kyle grinned, looking at the mass amount of food that surrounded him.

Plates stack high with different flavors of pancakes, hash browns, omelets, coffee cups, and different kinds of fruit were all around the two of us just waiting to be eaten.

We had pulled together fifty dollars and ordered everything we could imagine, watching as multiple waiters brought enough food to feed six people.

Yesterday he had finally been admitted from the hospital, and allowed to go home if he followed all the instructions of the doctors.

It was insane to see the difference in him since I had seen him last. Almost everything about seemed better and healthier.

"Come on Will help me eat all this." He groaned in between bites of pancake. I took a bite of hash browns and listened as he rambled on about how good the pancakes were.

"Hey, Will I'm sorry." He stated out of the blue, looking at me with sad eyes. All the happiness that laid behind them was replaced with guilt. It was almost like when I saw him last. Except then it was nothing. The emptiness was the worst.

"It's alright buddy. We all have times of weakness." I told him, watching as he had the tiniest smile on his face.

"I know, but not many people reach rock bottom. I just wanted to say thank you so being there for me, and really just everything." He smiled, his eyes no longer empty.

Suddenly his eyes caught on something, catching his attention.

He followed whatever it was he was staring at until it began walking towards the door.

"Will I found him."

He quickly jumped out of the booth, and ran outside in an order to stop the man. I watched as he ran up to the man, hugging him like they knew each other.

I will admit he did look a lot like Dan did. He had the tall hair, pale skin, and strange style that Dan had always possessed. But when he turned around to face Kyle, shock evident on his face I knew it was just Kyle's imagination.

"I'm, so so sorry." Kyle muttered, disappointment evident in his voice.

"You should be. Crazy bastard." The man muttered, and then left me and Kyle standing on the sidewalk of the pancake restaurant.

"What were you thinking? You know he isn't going to be eating pancakes on a Sunday." I watched as a spark lit within in, and he led me back to our car.

We both sat down, and I didn't bother starting the car.

"You really think he's gone?"

"Yeah I do." I answered confidently.

"How was the funeral?"

"I didn't attend one, there wasn't one." I answered.

"My point." He grinned to himself. I hated watching him install false hope. False hope When proved wrong is devastating.

"Yeah but it's common for murder victims to not have funerals." I told him watching as his eyes lit up even more.

"The police don't have a body. So where is it?"

I couldn't answer. That one was really weird. But still there was no way.

"What was Woody charged with?"

"Attempted murder." I answered him, starting to believe it myself.

"See! If he had really killed Dan, Woody would have been charged with four counts of attempted murder and one case of murder. You see every sign points to alive." Kyle said mater of fact.

"Oh my god." I sighed, my heart rate increasing.

"I'm going home alright. Relieve Janna of babysitting duty." I said faking a smile. But in reality i felt so sick to my stomach. How could he be alive?


We walked into the house, my stomach feeling queasy. Something just felt off.

"Willy!" Sophie yelled and ran up to me, jumping into my arms.

"Where's aunt Janna?" I asked her watching as her smile grew.

"She left." She grinned like she was keeping in a secret.

"What?" I demanded. How could she just leave a five year old?

"Wait she left?" Kyle spoke up from besides me.

"Were you here by yourself?" Kyle asked her.

And then I heard the door to the bathroom open, and out walked Dan.

Back from the dead.


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