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I couldn't believe my eyes. The man that was dead was now stood in front of me, waiting for my reaction.

Kyle looked at me, his eyes wide with shock.

"Oh my god!" He yelled, running up to Dan, and hugging him tightly. He didn't let go U Til Dan laughed lightly and pulled away ever so slightly.

"Oh my god." Kyle said quieter, happy tears falling from his face.

I couldn't move. How could he be standing in the living room like nothing ever happened?

"I thought you were dead." I said, wiping my eyes to make sure I was seeing everything correctly. But there he stood. Hands in pockets, hair slicked back.

"Dead?" He asked, looking shocked.

"Dan you died. Do you not remember Kyle you died in his arms form blood loss I would assume." I said, watching as he thought about it.

"The paramedics, they uh, restarted my heart." He said, taking time to think about each word he said.

"Hey Sophie can you go to your room so we can have adult talk?" I asked her, watching as she nodded her head and skipped to her room.

"Wanna sit down and talk over a beer?" I asked and both him and Kyle nodded. But instead of following me and Kyle to the kitchen table, he stood in his spot looking at us, looking confused.

"You know, like sit at the table. You tell us things, we tell you things." Kyle said, and got up, and led him to the table.

"Sorry, I uh, thoughts have been kind of slow. Doctors said it's a side effect of my brain getting no air. Brain damage sucks ass." He laughed, but me and Kyle didn't join him.

"Just slow." He said in a serious tone.

"Do you remember what happened to you?" I asked him, watching as he thought for a moment and then shook his head yes.

"Well actually it's uh, weird. The nurses said that on the way to the hospital that I was pronounced dead like three times. And so I guess once I was stable they put me into uh, what's the word? Coma! Yeah for for weeks that's where I was. And then I spent the rest of the time going to speech therapy, and some brain therapy. I have no clue what the word is. So yeah, that's where I've been." He said, watching for me and Kyle's reaction.

"Oh my gosh Dan." I mumbled, looking at the man in front of me. It still seemed insane to think he was alive and well, sitting at my kitchen table.

The closer I looked at him, the less and less I seemed to recognize him. His skin had an unhealthy grey glow, his hair that made the girls crazy was slicked back but had no life, and finally his slim body wasn't just small. It was almost skeleton like.

"I look like shit I know." He laughed catching my eye.

"Hey mate, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Kyle asked him.

"For a Little Bit i didn't even remember what happened. Everything just seemed like it went by in a blur. It went until I saw my address was also yours Will that everything made sense."

"DAMN buddy." Kyle laughed. I think we were both happy to see him. I know that I myself felt giddy like a child.

"Wanna beer?" I asked them both one saying yes and one saying no.

"I don't drink anymore." Dan laughed, and then asked for water.

"Damn Smith." Kyle chuckled, taking a swig of his beer.


Kyle had left and Sophie was long asleep.

"Will, can you help me?" He asked, walking out of his room.

"It's so messy." Dan laughed looking around his room.

"Well you're a messy person." I chuckled, and began to straighten up his room. Clothes had been slung in every direction, an inch of dust covering every surface.

"What's this?" He said curiously, opening the box of memories.

"Remember this one?" He asked, holding the Polaroid of when we played Coachella. It had been taken after we performed, the four of us sweating like crazy, insane smiles plastered on our faces.

"Couldn't forget." I grinned, watching as he took out another picture.

It was of just me and him, taken the day he agreed I was in the band. You could tell by the looks on both our faces we were both nervous as hell.

"Wanna know something?" I asked, grinning at the stupid look on my face.


"I had no clue how to play bass. The only instrument I knew how to play when you signed me was the cello and the piano." I watched as his smile grew.


I shook my head.

"Why did you say you could?" He asked.

"You had so much talent, I couldn't pass up a chance to work with the talent you have. It was insane. After that I started taking lessons six days a week, and practice with you guys on the seventh." I chuckled, watching as he blushed like crazy.

He then took me by surprise and threw his arms around me, hiding his face on my shoulder.

"Thank you." He mumbled into my shirt.

"For what?"

He pulled away, his eyes glassy with tears.

"For everything."


Wow that was hella long


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