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"What happened?" Woody asked, the two of us the only people in the hospital room.

"They made me do it." He nodded his head looking at as if lost for words.

"Look I'm so sorry. How about we take a couple weeks off. You and Sophie can spend time together. Does that sound good?" He asked, but it only angered me.

"No that doesn't! Woody you don't understand how much I hate doing this. Honestly how much money do we even need? In the beginning I understood how crucial it was. But now, it's just for extra money." He raised his eyebrows up, challenging me to continue.

"You see, you want more money and all you have to do is make a few calls. You don't have to lift a finger, while me and Kyle are put face to face with these psychopaths. I have a daughter now, man I can't keep leaving her with you or Dan. She needs to have a stable father figure. Maybe someday have friends over, but I can't do that with how things are working so far. Don't you understand?" I finished looking at him, my eyes silently pleading.

"That girl has made you soft." He simply stated, his voice flat.

"This has been going on ever sense the first time that guy pulled a gun on me and Kyle. Don't blame it on Sophie." He shook his head.

"Whatever Will." He sighed leaving me alone in the hospital room.

~six months earlier~

"Hurry up Kyle." I whispered, quite frightened by our surroundings.

Darkness was all around us in the lonely woods, the trees silently watching over us. It seemed like just to make the whole surroundings scarier, there was a thick layer of fog covering the Earth like a woolen blanket.

We began running towards the shack in the distance, the only signs of human life in the surrounding couple of miles.

Suddenly we heard a female scream ring throughout the otherwise silent forest.

"What the..." Kyle was interrupted by the loading of a gun.

"Freeze." The voice said, from behind us. We froze in our places, dropping the bag of drugs to the ground. I would never risk my life for a bag of chemicals basically.

"Go." The voice demanded, and we did the very same. As we were running I looked back and saw the man who had pointed the gun at us.

He had a automatic rifle, and a body slumped at his feet. It was then I realized just how dangerous or job really was. It wasn't giving bags of marijuana to stoned teenagers. Our lives were truly on the line.


"Willy!" I heard Sophie's sweet voice as she ran into the hospital room.

"Guess what?" She gushed as she jumped onto the hospital bed. I scooted over so she could lay down next to me.

"What?" I asked her excitedly.

She absent minded my player with her long brown hair as she looked at me with her cute little smile. Showing me her mission front tooth.

"Well me and Dan were in the lunch room, and he's so funny! He told me all these jokes and stories! He told me not to tell you, but I couldn't help it. Do you wanna hear one?" I shook my head, amazed that Dan had talked to her.

I hadn't heard his wonderful voice in almost a year now.

"Of course." She giggled to herself before telling me the joke.

"What's the scariest plant in the world?" She asked me. I had heard the joke a million times but decided to play dumb.

"A fly trap?" She shook her head and told me the answer.

"No silly! It's bamBOO." She told me causing herself to laugh at the joke. Of course the bastard would use his first words to tell a terrible joke.

"Oh Sophie." I laughed running my fingers through her hair. "I love you Willy." She smiled looking up at me and then back down.

Dan spoke

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