Moving On

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"Do you think that she knows something she hasn't told us?" Fitz whispered to Sophie, she shrugged. She stared into her little sister's eyes. It had been over a year since the last time she had saw her human family. It had been the best and worst day of her life. It was the day that she leaved the Forbidden Cities and came to stay with the elves, where she truly belonged. Amy although it's Natalie now had been under intense interrogation since they had found her at Sophie's human family's home. They had found out that the Neverseen has taken her human family about a month ago. The Black Swan was searching for them but so far no luck. Keefe entered the room along with Linh. "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?" Sophie frowned when Fitz shuffled slightly closer to Linh. She felt the knot of emotions tighten, wanting to be free. She held them back, knotting them tighter. "Good news?" Fitz said warily. "Too bad, there is none. Bad news is all we have." Keefe replied grimly. Sophie sighed, that's all they'd been getting for the past few weeks. Bad bad bad and bad. She wished Mr Forkle was here, she closed her eyes when the memory flashed through her head. Mr Forkle lying on the ground, gashes covering him his body lifeless, Keefe hugging her as she sobbed so hard it felt like getting punched by a elephant in the chest. Oralie quietly crying and whispering soothingly to her. A tap on her shoulder jolted her back to the present. Keefe was standing next to her, looking at her in worry. But he had not done the tapping, Fitz was standing next to her, his eyes slightly watery. Are you ok? Fitz transmitted, she jumped. Sorry I slipped past without asking for your permission. Fitz said. Wait, Sophie thought. Does that mean that you saw me reliving my memories? Fitz nodded, now she understood why his eyes were watering. It was really horrible wasn't it? He asked, though he didn't need to. Beyond horrible. She sighed, Keefe nudged them. "Hey, how many times do I have to tell you two? No telepathic conversations or I'll think your flirting." He laughed when they both flushed and looked anywhere but each other. "So what's this bad news?" Linh said hurriedly, hands on her hips, her face twisted into a scowl.
"Granite just called, they found a lead but it was a dead end. We are officially out of ideas." Sophie held back a sob, she was not only reliving Mr Forkle's death but also all her memories of her human parents. "Hey, don't worry we'll find them." Fitz assured her, grabbing her hands and twining their fingers together tightly. Keefe stared at their hands but seemed to shake his head and looked away.
The next day was a complete mess. Sophie had been having a restless night, nightmares haunting her sleep. She woke up sobbing and screaming, Sandor had rushed in, saw her crying and hugged her tightly. Fitz came over to practice telepathy. It had been her first really alone moment with Fitz after that day where he had come to see her. He said to skip the talking leaning closer. But before anything else happened Keefe had come in. Ever since he had been slightly awkward around her. Now that they were alone the awkwardness seemed to be reaching max limit. So Sophie decided to clear a few things up even if she was completely terrified. They were trading truths so Sophie asked: "What happened on that day." He immediately knew what she was talking about. "I just wanted to... choose what I wanted." Sophie frowned, even if he may be making sense she had no idea what he meant.
"I have been trying to figure out who I like." Fitz mumbled, bright red. Sophie was pretty sure that she was one hundred times redder. "That's easy isn't it?" Sophie suddenly snapped, Fitz jumped and frowned at her. "What do you mean Soph?" he asked her. "You like Linh right," Fitz flushed even redder turning puce. "Don't think it's not a secret. You gush over her and take any opportunity to compliment her. You even decided to carry her and stay with her when we were at Ravagog." All emotions seemed rush through her, fueling her to keep talking. "I didn't think anyone noticed." He muttered. Sophie banged her fist on the desk. "How could someone not?" Fitz looked up at her, looking slightly afraid to look directly into her eyes.
"Why are you so mad?" This time it was her time to look away. "No reason." she tugged out several eyelashes before Fitz reached up and grabbed her hand to stop her to tug out another. "Why are you nervous?" he asked her, shuffling his chair closer to hers. "You seem bothered by me liking Linh." He said. That brought back all of Sophie's bitter emotions. "Well of course I am, you're perfect and then a perfect girl comes along and you start crushing on her. How couldn't I be mad?" Fitz eyes widened by what she said. "Wait, you think I'm perfect?" he leaned forward. Sophie huffed when she realized what she had said. She knew Fitz didn't like her the way she liked him. She would rather be brushing a dinosaur's teeth and be covered in drool then having this conversation with Fitz. "Of course I do, ever since I saw you in the museum I've thought that you're perfect. Actually no, I know that you're perfect." She sighed, leaning back in her chair. "But does that mean you like me?" Fitz eyes widened again. Sophie was silent for several moments. Her mind was screaming: DON'T TELL HIM HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU! But she found herself nodding. Fitz laughed and leaned back in his chair, running his hands through his perfect dark and wavy hair somehow making it more perfect. "What's so funny." Sophie buried her face in her hands, moaning with humiliation. She felt warm hands enclose over her hands and uncover them from her face. She looked up to find her face at least an inch away from Fitz's.
"You're perfect you know that." He whispered, Sophie was panicking. "Don't panic." He said, Sophie panicked. "I'm not perfect, I'm the weird Human Girl. I have five abilities and I have major coordination issues. Not to mention I panic around cute boys and I'M NOT PERFECT." Fitz laughed again. "Well I like you so I don't care." Sophie choked and fell off her chair. HE WHAT?! Her head was screaming. "Sophie!" Fitz helped her up and he smiled at her, in a shy yet utterly perfect way. "How long have you liked me?" he whispered. "First day I met you." She whispered back. "You?" Sophie said. "First day I saw you." he murmured, she smiled. Before she knew what was happening Fitz kissed her. She was shocked when he pulled back, but then smiled. "I always wanted to do that." He laughed, she giggled and kissed his cheek. An urgent message came through the Imparter. She looked at it: Come to hideout immediately - BS

"What happened?" Sophie yelled when Fitz and Sophie ran into the room. Tam, Linh, Biana, Dex and Keefe were all there. Squall ran into the room. "We have a problem." They rushed to the window, looking out they saw Fintan walking towards their hideout. This is not good. That was Sophie's thought before things got a lot worse.

Author's Note:
Hey so I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and that it wasn't boring for you. Yes I am a Sophitz shipper, sorry for the Foster-Keefe and Sophex shippers. I will probably put some of their own moments in there to keep you guys happy! Thanks for reading and I will update very soon!

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