Not Enough Time

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Sophie and her friends rushed to Natalie. Sophie's breathing was fast and short, Keefe grabbed her hand, squeezing it reassuringly. Sophie's heart beat quickened, Keefe raised a teasing eyebrow. Sophie looked away, but not pulling away from his hand. She could tell Keefe was smirking without even looking at him, Fitz glared at Keefe. Sophie felt guilty but Keefe made her feel comfortable and safe. Like how he had done everything to make sure she was fine at the Peace Summit about a month ago. He had held her up at Mr. Forkle's death as well. Keefe probably won the best friend award even if he ran off with the Neverseen and did so many things she was angry about. But he always helped her and Sophie understood him better than anyone. Someone cleared their throat, Sophie looked around and Keefe was wide-eyed and staring at her and their hands linked together. Sophie composed herself, letting go of his hand. "When did she mention Nightfall?" Biana decided to answer. "About ten hours ago, we got you about eight hours and you were out that whole time." After what felt like hours but were only a few minutes, they reached the room where Natalie was. Sophie ran to her sister, taking her hands and looking into her eyes. "How do I get to Nightfall." She puffed, hoping that Natalie did actually know. "I don't like this place, they feed me weird food, don't let me go anywhere, and ask me weird questions." Natalie whined, Sophie sighed. "You'll get used to it. Now tell me where I can find my - our parents." Natalie stared at the others. Sophie looked back and realized she had no idea who they were. "Right, Natalie meet my best friends: Linh, Tam, Keefe, Fitz, Dex, and Biana." Her friends waved when their names were said, apart from Tam who looked away. Natalie crinkled up her nose. "Who names someone any of those names." Well she still had that attitude that she used to use to bully Sophie. "Um," Sophie bit her lip. "Well elves do." Natalie cocked her head in confusion. The others gasped. "What do you mean Sophie?" Natalie stared at her. Fitz stepped forward, taking Sophie's hands. "Are you sure that you should tell her. We might not be allowed to." Sophie gave Fitz an exasperated look. "She's my sister Fitz." Tam stepped forward. "He's right Soph. You can't just go telling humans about us. That's not how it works." 

Sophie looked at them all, then she realized that they all agreed with Fitz and Tam.
"What do they mean by "telling humans about us." You're all humans aren't you." They all realized then that they shouldn't speak aloud about this. "Nat, could you give us a moment?" Sophie asked her sister softly, Natalie shook her head stubbornly. "No, tell me what's going on." "I can't Natalie." Sophie felt slightly agitated.
"You have to, you can't tell me no!" Natalie shouted, Keefe must have felt her anger and shock grow. He stepped forward, putting a calming but strong hand on her shoulder. Fitz gripped her hands tighter and Biana rubbed her arm.
"Natalie, we know that you're scared. But you don't understand." Linh whispered to Natalie. Tam followed behind her, staring at Natalie hard.
"I understand perfectly thank you very much, you freak!"
"DON'T!" Sophie didn't realized she had shouted until everyone jumped and stared at her.
Sophie's hands shook and she tried to keep her voice calm and quiet.
"Don't call her that. You don't know how much I - we want to keep you safe. But you must help us, I know it's confusing and scary. But Mom and Dad are in danger, they could even be dead. You have to tell us how to get to Nightfall." Linh looked at her, thanking her with her eyes. Sophie nodded. Natalie started to cry, Sophie face-palmed. "Why are you crying now?" Natalie looked up, her eyes red. "I never knew I had a sister, then someone shows up and all these memories come back. I just want some time with you to make up for all the times I was horrible." That made Sophie's heart wrench and stare at her with wide eyes.
"Is that really what you think?" Keefe whispered, staring at her. "Or do you just want to get out of here." Sophie glared at Keefe, shocked he could say such a thing. "Keefe." she said in a warning tone. He raised his hands in surrender and back away.
"Natalie, I promise that I will give you all the time in the world but you need to help us find our parents, we need to find them, it could save my world."
"Don't you mean our world? Why are you separating you from me?" Natalie snapped, Sophie sighed. This was going to take a while...

Hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry it took me so long! BYE

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