Deals That Murder

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Spinning around she saw a figure coming slowly towards her. But then three other figures appear, Sophie gasps and backs away. "So glad you came." Fintan said, the Neverseen surrounded her. "Where are my parents you monsters?!" She shouted, Fintan laughed. "Would you be so kind Sophie as to not shout, I am rather sore these days and loud noises irritate me." He says as cool as a cucumber. Sophie growled, annoyed at his behaviour. "Give me my family." She whispered, Fintan rolled his eyes. "You're forgetting that you're part of the bargain too." Someone spoke from beside her, she whipped around studying his features. Ruy.
"Ok, fine but you must set my family free and let no harm come to them. Wash their memories and send them back home." She gritted her teeth, expecting their reply to be the worst. "Deal." Ruy said after Fintan had nodded. Sophie then experienced something she knew all to well... Pain. Something seemed to suffocate her mind and tightened it's shadowy hold. It made her scream and thrash on the ground. She couldn't escape the darkness, she managed to open her eyes a fraction and see a shadow bent over her. Keefe said that there was a Shade in the Neverseen. Could it be him? To be honest, Sophie didn't really care who was hurting her, just how she could get them to stop hurting her. Every time she tried to rally her concentration to inflict, the pain broke her concentration. "Grab her and take the humans to Nightfall." A faint voice rang around her. NO! We had a deal Fintan! She screamed in her head, she should have listened to Keefe. Keefe. She sighed and closed her eyes, letting the pain knock her out of consciousness, the last thing she saw was a handsome boy, blonde shaggy hair and beautiful ice blue eyes that stared into hers with such intensity.

"Is she ok?"
"Will she wake up?"
"Course she will, she's the mighty Foster."
"But what if she doesn't!"
"Biana chill, Foster's gonna be fine."
"I can't believe you let her go."
"Hey! You can't blame it on me, it's the Neverseen who did it to her."
"I say we blame Wonderboy!"
"Nah let's blame Bangs Boy."
"Dude seriously."

Voices swam through Sophie's head, not knowing if they were real or not. But the warmth surrounding her was definitely real. She felt herself float back into the blackness and woke up what seemed seconds later. Groaning she turned onto her side. "She moved!"
Opening her eyes a tiny bit she instantly regretted it, a blinding rush flooding into her mind. She curled up and rocked through the pain. After a few minutes she could breathe properly and opened her eyes slightly, waiting until they'd adjusted before she did anything else.
Blurry figures came into focus and she realized that all her friends were in a circle around her. "Sophie?" Biana whispered, Sophie smiled weakly, everyone sighed in relief.
"We thought you'd never wake up." Linh said worriedly, trying to hide the tear stains on her cheeks.
"Doesn't include me though, cause I knew Foster would come round." Keefe announced proudly, Fitz rolled his eyes and clutched her hands.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Sophie nodded slowly. Linh didn't seem to be able to contain herself any longer and lunged for Sophie, gripping her tightly, sobbing into her shoulder. Sophie was shocked at first before pulling away from Fitz and curling her arms around Linh and hugging her tightly back. "How did you guys get me back?" Sophie asked when Linh had composed herself, now sitting next to Sophie and holding onto her hand.
"It wasn't easy, but Dex managed to crack the blockage of wherever you went that the Neverseen set up. We got to your panic switch and leaped there straight away. They were taken by surprise and Tam managed to take them down using his ability." Fitz replied.
"Not to mention Linh using a water cage to keep them there since Tam's effect on them only lasted for two seconds literally." Biana added, smiling at Linh.
"They took my parents again." Sophie whispered. The others exchanged looks and Sophie narrowed her eyes. "What are you not telling me?" Sophie snapped, Keefe spoke up. "It's Natalie. Um she told us something." Sophie's eyes widened. "What?"
"She knows how to get to Nightfall."


Dadadaaaaa! Hope you enjoyed this part <3 Thank youuuuu

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