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Sophie collapsed in her bed, closing her eyes and groaned in relief. When she had gotten back from school she had just walked up the stairs, ignoring her parents and shut and locked the door behind her.

Well this is interesting. Sophie thought, she knew that Forkle wanted her to move on. And she would. But that didn't mean that she wanted to. At least everyone listened to her mini speech about how Forkle would want this to happen but to be honest she was guessing it herself, does he actually want himself replaced.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, she sat up and walked to the door. The lock clicked open and the door swung open. Edaline stood there with mallowmelt on a plate and a worried expression. "Hi." Sophie said, Edaline handed her the plate and walked in.

"What happened?" Sophie's adoptive mother asked, Sophie bit her lip before sitting down on her desk, Edaline took the floor. "They're replacing him, at the Black Swan." She said, Edaline paused for a moment before understanding. "Well isn't that good?" She asked, Sophie was silent for a couple of moments too.

"I guess yes, but I still don't want someone completely new on the Collective." The knot under her ribs tightened and she massaged it, trying to ease the pain. "I guess I understand, but Soph sometimes you have to move on." Edaline said, getting up to put her arm around Sophie and rub her back. "Yes I know that Mum -" Sophie began. "Think Sophie, I dwelt on Jolie's death too long and I was miserable. Now look at me! Of course I'm still upset and will always miss her but we have to stop ourselves from living in the past when you have this amazing world waiting right here for you!" Edaline cried, Sophie looked at her amusingly. "Have you been planning this speech for a while?" Sophie grinned, Edaline smiled.

"Possibly, I've seen how down you've looked so I have thought about a few passionate and inspiring speeches over the days." Sophie laughed at that. "Ok, well thanks Mum." Edaline kissed her forehead and passed her the plate of mallowmelt again. "You're welcome Soph, now eat." Edaline left the room and Sophie ate her cake. The sweet taste calmed her slightly and it brought her back to a couple of years ago when she had just been introduced to this fantasy of a world, now it didn't seem so perfect but she still gets amazed by some things.

Like last week she was introduced to a mammoth and it still shocked her to see them, she had grown up thinking that they were extinct and lived here thousands of years ago. But there was one, alive and running around. It was freezing in the field that a herd of mammoths lived in and Sophie had had to bring a huge coat to keep herself warm, she was still chilly even in that.

Two hours later and she got a call from Fitz on her Imparter. "Sophie oh thank the Ancients you picked up." He said, he sounded extremely panicked. "Fitz? What's wrong?" She asked, Fitz tried to breathe. "It's Natalie -" Sophie's heart stopped for a second. "What about Natalie Fitz? TELL ME!" She shouted, Fitz looked slightly shocked but brushed it off. "She's gone." He said softly, Sophie stopped. "Wait what?" She asked again. "She somehow got out and she's gone. We don't know where she is." Fitz told her, her breathing started to quicken. "Don't worry Sophie, we are searching for her." Wraith said from behind Fitz. "Can I help?" Sophie asked urgently. Wraith paused for a moment before replying. "Well actually you could try and find her with telepathy, why not? Ok we'll send someone over to bring you over." Sophie nodded. Then the screen clicked blank. Even though Keefe had ruined the main hideout where Sophie and her friends had hidden from the Council and joined the Black Swan, the gnomes had rebuilt the same design somewhere else, Sophie couldn't remember the name but it was somewhere quite cold, where sun didn't usually shine.

She ran downstairs and found Grady sitting at the table, making himself some rippleberry tea. "Sophie?" He looked up, Sophie quickly explained what had happened and Grady's look hardened. "I don't know Sophie, I don't like you running off every day." He said firmly, Sophie sighed. "Dad I have to go, you know that." She protested. "I don't care, I want you to be safe." Grady said. "That's not fair!" She shouted. "It is if I say it is!" Grady shouted back, standing up from his chair, so now they were shouting over the table at each other. "That doesn't make sense! Dad this is who I am I like putting myself into danger, I don't like what's happening and I can't stop it if you keep stopping me!" Sophie screamed.

Edaline came into the kitchen looking shocked to see her husband and adopted daughter shouting at each other from either side of the table. "OK everybody just calm down!" She announced, Grady looked over at his wife. "She wants to run off with her friends again and go look for her sister!" He shouted, Edaline glared at him before he apologized for shouting at her and Sophie. Sophie puffed out a breath and turned away from Grady her arms crossed. "Alrightey Sophie what's going on?" Edaline asked her daughter. "Natalie has somehow gotten away and we need to find her but Grady says that it's too dangerous and that I shouldn't go!" Sophie huffed, Edaline put her hand on Sophie's shoulder. "Well I think you should go, and I'll talk to Grady." Grady was about to protest but Edaline held up her hand and sent Sophie upstairs to get ready.

Sophie put on her jacket and said goodbye to her parents, even if she was still mad at Grady. She walked outside to see someone standing there, with a crazy bright blue mask and coat on. "Ready to go Moonlark?" the voice sounded like a man, it was brittle and sharp. Sophie nodded and he held up a crystal to the light. Sophie held onto his arm and closed her eyes as they stepped into the light.


Hello guys yes I know it's been ages but I've given you a nice long update xD thanks for hanging around! So I've been updating like every month and I guess it's the easiest way for me because every month is a month closer to November! So I'll either update every two-three weeks or just every month.



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