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This isn't a reason. SORRY for that, I'll update that later.

Anyways, I kinda thought that I should really tell you guys about depression, suicide, etc..

You know I've researched a lot about this stuff, so I got this hell lot of information about it. It's damn interesting, but a little depressing... whatsoever.

So um....You can always skip this update if you're not comfortable about triggering stuff or if you find this useless and boring. I find this hell lot interesting honestly. So yeah whatever....

Here we go...





feelings of severe despondency and dejection.

"self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression"

synonyms: melancholy, misery, sadness, unhappiness, sorrow, woe, gloom, gloominess,dejection, downheartedness, despondancy, dispiritedness, low spirits, heavy-heartedness, moroseness, discouragement despair, desolation, dolefulness,moodiness, pessimism,hopelessness.

Phycology: Depression:

A depressive disorder is not a passing blue mood but rather persistent feelings of sadness and worthlessness and a lack of desire to engage in formerly pleasurable activities. A complex mind/body illness, depression can be treated with drugs and/or therapy.

Depression is like drowning, only you can see everyone else around you breathing.

Main causes of depression:

• Abuse.

• Certain medications (I.e- isotretinoin)

• Conflict.

• Death or loss.

• Genetics.

• Major events.

• Other personal problems.

• Serious illness.

• Substance abuse.

• Being around someone else who is depressed (rare).


Unexplained fear, trembling of hand, sense of apprehension without cause.

Very frequent attacks of anxiety.

Frequent attacks of depression and thoughts about suicide.

Sleeplessness and headache.

Sense of worthlessness and a feeling that life is futile.

Severe guilt preventing happiness.

Martial disharmony.

Uncontrolled rage and inexplicable behaviour.

Tendency to isolate oneself and not feeling related to anybody.

Alcoholism and drug addiction (rare)

Research also says that people who sleep with multiple pillows are often lonely and depressed (I do that. I am not depressed though.)

Depressed people usually hide their feelings, because they feel like no one cares. If someone actually comes to you and tells you about how depressed the person is please do not call them an attention seeker, because they'll probably not tell anyone else about it and might as well fall deeper into depression.

What they say - What they mean.

"I am fine."- I am not fine, please help me.

"I am just tired." - I can't take this anymore.

"I already ate" or "I am not hungry."- I starve myself because I am fat.

"Go away!"- show me you care enough to stay.

"I am just cold."- I don't want you to see my scars.

"I am better, I promise."- I've never been this bad.

"I am okay."- I just want to die.






a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

"he felt a surge of anxiety"

synonyms:worry, concern, apprehension, apprehensiveness, consternation, uneasiness,unease, fearfulness, fear, disquiet, disquietude, perturbation, fretfulness,agitation, angst, nervousness, nerves, edginess, tension, tenseness, stress,misgiving, trepidation, foreboding, suspense;

Phycology: Anxiety:

Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns. They may avoid certain situations out of worry.






gerund or present participle: bullying

use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something.

"a local man was bullied into helping them"

synonyms:persecute, oppress, tyrannize, torment, browbeat, intimidate, cow, coerce,strong-arm, subjugate, domineer.

Bullying is defined as direct or indirect verbal comments, actions, behavior, or tactics such as verbal abuse or psychological manipulations that are used to harm an individual or an attempt to harm an individual.

Bullying can lead to major depression, which can cause the death of someone's soul.

If you're going through this, please please tell someone or try to stand up (standing up is difficult..I know), you can always pm me if you need someone to talk to.


Self harm can take many different forms and as an individual act is hard to define. However in general self harm (also known as self injury or self mutilation) is the act of deliberately causing harm to oneself either by causing a physical injury, by putting oneself in dangerous situations and/or self neglect.

Self-harm is not cowardly! It's just that you've been through enough for a long time, sometimes quitting seems the best option. But please don't do it though, you can always pm me if you need someone, just don't hurt yourself.


Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death.

I don't really have anything to say about suicide. I guess me giving you all 50 reasons is because I don't want someone to die and why I don't want that is because your life isn't over yet, you shouldn't do that, I know it hurts....alot but this is life, this is what this is (that doesn't make sense.)
You've got to live it a whole.

Suicide is a crime. Why? Because you're murdering someone, you're murdering yourself.

A life is precious. How can you lose it?

There are obstacles, a whole lot of them. But you can pass through them.


Alright, PM me if you need anyone to talk to. I am not great at giving advice but I try my best.

Video above- Diana by One Direction (fan-made). I found it quite cute.



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