Reason 20

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Not my work!!

Reason 20- You're not alone!!

Believe me you're not the only one with problems. Maybe your problem is unexplainable and "no one understands", but that doesn't mean that others don't have problems.

It's not like "it's easier for everyone else", because it's not.

Just imagine being jobless or homeless with poor or no parents. Imagine not being able to go to school. Imagine begging on the streets, sleeping in an abandoned church or building. Imagine not getting enough food, or water. Imagine people walking over you like you're nothing.

Imagine working hard day and night just so you could pay for your child's fee for school. Imagine waking up at 4 in the morning to iron clothes and cook food just so your child doesn't have to stay hungry.

There are a lot- more than you can imagine- people out there suffering. It's not only you.

And to be very honest, I suggest you talk to someone who's going through the same thing instead of trying to take your own life!

So please for your own sake don't think you're alone because you're not.

Reason number twenty- we're all in this war, just are meant to fight with different enemies. You're not alone, nobody's alone :-)

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