Chapter 1: The 9th Servamp

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A/N: This may not exactly follow the storyline as there are some parts that consist of you and your servamp (not going to spoil the name for you~) So it won't be completely on the storyline thanks! 

3rd Person Point of View~

You sat bored watching your class discuss the festival on who should do the costumes, "I don't think any of us can sew" Sakuya then spoke, "Hey, Hey what about Mahiru?" "Mahiro is already in charge of the food preparation" "yeah but he lives alone and does housework perfectly" "You got that right" The door then slams open to Mahiru holding 2 baskets of what appears to be cookies, "What a pain, can't you decide the roles already! Anyway here are some test cookies for everyone, like you everyone swarms around him for a cookie. "Delicious," you say and others agree "It's a simple butter cookie too" "Simple is best!" Mahiru replies, "So all that's left is costumes right?" His friends nod "So it would have to be someone who has time and can sew" they continue nodding "Thinking simply It has to gotta be me!" the whole class then cheers.

 As the bell rings you pack up your books and place them in your bag and take your everyday route back to your apartment, as you walk past one of the alleyways, you hear a small stack of boxes fall over in the alleyway, you look over and see a little white Ferret (In the picture), as it tried to go under the box. As you approached it gave a small growl, you slowly petted it, it then stopped and nuzzled your hand. "What are you, I'm sure no ferret has these ribbon things," You say picking the little ferret up. It flapped its little wings. 

When you opened the door to your apartment, the little ferret jumped out of your hands and headed for the kitchen. When you found out it headed for the kitchen you guessed it was hungry, when you made it some of your food left over in the fridge. It basically scuffed all the food in its mouth, "You must be really hungry hmm" when you spoke it glanced at you and to your shock, it nodded. "Woah it's like you understand me, hmm you know you need a name don't you, hmm how about Kaori? yeah that's a good name, and I have always had this necklace too but it's way too small for me" You spoke pulling out a mini cross necklace and putting it around Kaori's neck. "Perfect fit!" Kaori gave a little "ruff" as you walked back to the kitchen counter your phone beeped. As you checked it you realized it was a message to go to work, you gave a sigh as you packed for work, when you were about to walk out, you turned to Kaori, "I will be back soon okay? Don't cause any trouble, bye!" you said walking out.

-Timeskip to when you finish work-
When you entered the door you shouted "Kaori, I'm home" as you entered the lounge room it was perfectly normal but no sign of Kaori, you then checked the kitchen, nope, then your room, you see some girl dressed in a black unzipped hoodie, her sleeves rolled up to show her black and white undershirt, she also wore black jeans and brown knee length boots. She was pale and had black hair with a few white streaks in it, but most eye-catching were her blood red eyes. You stared at her, she seemed to realize and glanced away from her book to you. "Who are you?" you spoke while pointing to the girl. "Me? I'm the mini Ferret you saved" She spoke softly, "But you cant be Kaori" as soon as you said that a gold/yellow ring formed around your wrist and her neck, you started mentally freaking out "Calm down, its just a basic 24 hour contract" she spoke then glancing back at her book. You then grabbed her arm and dragged her to the lounge and pulled her to the couch. 

"24-hour contract?! What is going on?! WHAT ARE YOU?!" you shouted, "Please calm down" she spoke pleadingly, "I'm what you call a Servant Vampire, or rather a Servamp" you stared at her, "A VAMPIRE?!" she sighed "Yes and I'm not going to drink your blood, but I said SERVANT so I'm basically you maid/butler/Caretaker I don't care, but we cant be separated, there are I think another eight of my kind I believe, I was released late so I'm a lot younger than them, maybe 100 years? I don't know" you thought about what she said, "So you aren't Hostile?" she shook her head "No, but the others may be, but I haven't met them, the first seven I believe is based off the Seven Sins, you know Sloth, Greed, Envy, etc and the second youngest is the Servamp of Melancholy, and then there's me, the Servamp of the place of suffering inhabited by the souls of sinners who are expiating their sins before going to heaven, the Servamp of Purgatory, and your my eve now so that means your now to Eve of Purgatory" she pointed out. You thought through every word she spoke carefully, "Well if I'm your eve for 24 hours, then let's get along" you smiled raising your hand, she nodded and placed her hand in yours. "I get the feeling we will get along just fine, I will guarantee a spot in heaven for you~ and if you do sin I'll make sure you skip the Purgatory part~" she hummed while shaking your hand.

The Purgatoric Vampire [Servamp x Eve Reader x Servamp OC]Where stories live. Discover now