Ch. 6 weak spot

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It is the next day, and I'm back at my office. I asked my boss to get other people to take care of my new patients, because I want to concentrate on mister Fishbach. I take a look at Marlyn's document while walking to her room. It's really creepy, yet exciting what's going on between her, Mark and me. There's no way in hell Marlyn could know about Mark arriving. 'Maybe they have history together?' I think as I open the heavy door, 'nah, no way' I think again after closing the door behind me. I look through the window and see Marlyn sitting on the bed. She turns her head my way as if she can see me. I gulp nervous, watching her lift her hand. Marlyn makes a gesture as if saying 'come closer'. I quickly enter the room, "good morning, Marlyn. How are you-" she cuts me off by putting her index finger against her closed lips. I walk up to her. I see Marlyn shaking slightly, "you know he's bad...he carries an evil spirit with him. You have to get him out...." Marlyn looks down, "I have to get them out" she mumbles. My eyes widen, realizing something Mark said yesterday. Or I mean Dark. He said that I knew who could get Dark and Wilford out of Mark's body. Now I actually know, "Marlyn" I whisper. She looks up at me, "hm?". "You have to help me" I say to her, in quite a shocked way. She nods while a slight smile on her face appears, but then she starts shaking her head, ", I can't....not again!!" She starts hyperventilating. 'Uh-oh' I think before quickly sitting down next to her, "shh, Marlyn" I lay one hand on her back, and one on her stomach. Doctors before her told that she'll calm down faster. "Listen to my voice, Marlyn. Breathe calmly. In through your nose, out with your mouth...breathe to my hand, concentrate.....on my hand" I speak calm to her. "In through the nose....." I see her breathing in with her mouth closed, "and out.." now he exhales, slightly opening her mouth. She does it over and over again, "that's right, there we go" I say softly, smiling friendly at her. She looks up at me and nods, telling me she's okay now. "Can you tell me why you can't? Have you done it before?" I ask her friendly. She looks up at me, the poor woman, and shakes her head slightly, "I can't tell you...not need to find his weak spot...then I can get him out while he has distraction..." she tells me. I look at the ground, thinking for a moment. She's probably talking about Dark. "Both their weak spots..." She cuts off my thoughts as if she can read my mind...'oh wait, she can.' I stand up, "I'll try my best, Marlyn" I tell her. She smiles slightly at me, "the best you can" she says. I give her a friendly nod before walking to the door.

'And now, on my way to mister Fishbach's room.' I think as I close the heavy door behind me. I think while I walk to the next patient's room. 'Weak spot you say..?' I ask myself what their weak spot possibly could be.  Some say a man's weak spot is nudity of the sex he's interested in, women in this case, but I think Mark is different. Dark and Wilford are different. I mean, if I would stand naked in front of Mark. 'What would happen? What if that indeed was his weak spot? Then what? ' I think as I open the heavy door I see Mark sitting on his bed, nothing special about him. I'm assuming it's the actual Mark, which makes me kind of relieved. I walk in with a bright smile, "good morning, Mark, how are you today?" I ask kindly. He looks up at me, and flashes me those perfect teeth, "I'm great!! What about you, doctor?" He asks. I breathe a chuckle, "It's (Y/N)" I say. Mark chuckles sweetly at me, "Whatever, (Y/N)" I nod, "There we go" I sit down on one of the two chairs. Mark stands up and walks over, doing the same as me. "So, have you figured out a way yet?" He asks. I look at him, and decide to act like I don't know what he's talking about, "Excuse me?" I ask. Mark sigs frustrated, "How to get them out of me!" He says, raising his tone.  "Mark, it's gonna be okay" I say, not really, yet still answering his question.  Mark rolls his eyes away from me, "You still don't never will" He mumbles.  "She's lying..." Mark then says. I look up, and see Mark wearing a white tie again. I gulp, 'Dark'  He turns his face towards me again, "You do believe know we're real. You know! Don't act like you don't!" He growls at me. I gulp again and shake my head. Dark suddenly stands up, and pushes me against the wall again, pressing my throat shut. I gasp for air. "You're a doctor! SOLVE THIS!!" Dark growls in my face, our noses almost touching. I grab his wrist and push it away, off my throat. I cough and rub my throat. Dark now grabs the front of my shirt and lifts it up, making me look at him, "Get me out of here!" He says softly before dropping me to the ground. I sit on  my knees on the ground, Dark still standing in front of me. I still ask myself where the security team is. I look up to see Dark glaring down at me, "And make it quick" He says. I look confused at him. I suddenly get a really weird idea. It is as if Dark's hinting to something. 'He wants me to suck his di-' "No...well....actually" He looks another warm grinning slightly. I quickly stand up, "I'm trying my best! I just need to find your--" My thoughts cut me off. "My what?" He asks.

I rethink the moment. Dark wouldn't mind know....sucking him...

So that would have to be. "Your weak spot" I mumble. Dark raises an eyebrow, "My weak spot?" He asks. I nod at him, "yeah!" I say happily, 'That's number one.' "What is Wilford's weak spot?" I ask. "What would make him stop with whatever he's doing?" I ask impatient. Dark thinks for a moment, "well..." he says, turning around slowly and starting to walk back and forth in the room. I dust off my clothes and when I look up, I see that pink mustache-- or....warfstache again. "Why don't you ask the man himself?" Apparently it's Wilford now. I sigh, it's such a weird thing to ask. 'Oh, your weak spot is naked women? Well let me pull off my clothes then' I chuckle to myself, 'that would be weird....' "what is it you're giggling about?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I shake my head, "nothing" I say before clearing my throat, "Wilford, what do you like to do?" I ask, sitting down at the table again. Wilford does the same, "I beg your pardon?" He asks. "Your...interests?" I ask again. Wilford nods, "who needs to know?" He raises an eyebrow. I sigh softly, 'sassy bastard...' "me, I just want to know. Just wanna start a conversation, is that a problem?" I snap back at him. Wilford looks blankly at me, "Well, how is work?" He asks me. I narrow my eyes at him, "why is it such a problem to answer my question?" I run a hand through my hair. Wilford shrugs, "It's just none of your buisness, darling" I roll my eyes away from him. I hear an amused chuckle coming from him. I ignore it and look the other way. "I know, he's an ass" I hear a raspy voice say again. I look back at the man in front of me. 'White tie...' I sigh. Dark chuckles amused, "do you feel my suffering now?" He acts awfully nice for a person such as himself. I breathe a chuckle, "yeah, but can you tell me what Wilford absolutely loves?" I ask impatient. Dark breathes an amused chuckle, "you'll have to find out yourself, doc" he rests his hand on his palm, looking at me as a little schoolboy in love with his teacher. I roll my eyes, "you're as bad as Wilford, you know" I lean back in my chair. Dark smirks at me, nodding slowly, "you bet your ass I am! I'm even worse!" He says, as if it is anything to be proud of. I sigh softly, "whatever. Can you just tell me already?" I ask again, as if Dark's actually going to tell me now. Dark shakes his head, "nope" he pops the P. "Just a hint, because I'm a good boy" he winks at me. I cross my arms, "what's the hint?" I ask, tapping my finger on my other arm. "Wilford is a...circus man...we call him the candyman, or the pink man sometimes...and don't forget, he's a man too..." Dark tells me. I think for a moment, not really knowing what to do with that, "what, so I bring a whole circus in here!?" I joke, sounding serious. Dark chuckles amused, "I'm keeping my mouth shut, missy" he says. I stand up, "well, I'll probably see you tomorrow then...?" I ask. Dark sticks both his index fingers at me and closes one eye, "we have a date" I roll my eyes playfully and walk out.

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