ch. 15 he just left

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''So now what?" I ask, sitting on Mark's couch with Wilford next to me and Mark on a chair. Mark shrugs, "now nothing!" He simply says before scrolling on his phone. "Could I maybe get some better clothes first?" I ask. Wilford grins slightly, "but I like these!" He says jokingly. I roll my eyes playfully, "Ha, ha, Wilford, very funny" I say, "But seriously though." Wilford gets up from the couch, "come on, ma'am, I'll bring you home" He grabs Mark's car keys and walks outside. 

Mark stands up, "Wait, (Y/N)" he says. I stop and look at his hand holding mine, "What?" I ask. "Are we still gonna be friends?" I chuckle, "Of course, silly!" I say before pulling him in for a hug. Mark chuckles happily, "And (Y/N)" He pushes me away, but he still holds my shoulders. "I don't want to ruin our friend ship. But I've been waiting to do something for a while now." I want to ask what he means by that, but before I can speak, he presses his lips onto mine. It surprises me, but 'why not'. I close my eyes, laying my hands back on his shoulders, and kissing  him back lovingly. 

"(Y/N) are you coming?" I hear Wilford say from outside. I pull away from Mark and smile, "See you later" I walk to the front door, wave at Mark once before before I walk to the car and step in the passenger seat. 

"So can I have your and Mark's number?" I ask shyly. Wilford chuckles amused and hands me his phone. He has no code, so I just have to press the home button. "of course, love" he answers, keeping his eyes on the road. "Thanks again for saving me, Wilford, it was a hell at Dark's place" I say while typing the numbers in my phone. Wilford chuckles amused, "no problem." He pulls up in my driveway. "How did you know where I lived?" I ask curious.  Wilford looks at me with a smile, "Wilford knows everything" He winks at me. 

I unbuckle my seatbelt, but before I get out of the car,  I turn my head to Wilford once more, "Will I see you again soon?" I ask. Wilford breathes a chuckle, "Of course, dearest. But not when Mark's around" He tells me. I raise an eyebrow, "why not?" -- "Because I know how he hates me being such a lady magnet." He bites his lip, glancing down at my body.  I chuckle shyly, blushing slightly and nod, "well alrighty then" I quickly peck Wilford's cheek and step out of the car. I walk to my front door and look behind me at Wilford. He blows a kiss at me with a wink before driving away. I shake my head, chuckling slightly to myself and open my front door, "silly man...." 

I head straight to my bedroom, and grab the most comfortable clothes I own. I walk to the bathroom, quickly get the make-up off, and step in the shower. The warm water trails down my body. I close my eyes and just stand there for a moment, having goosebumps all over my body. 

"Enjoying yourself, gorgeous?" I hear a smooth voice next to me. I quickly open my eyes and gasp, "WILFORD!!" I yelp and blush madly, crossing my arms as I earn some amused chuckles from him, "don't worry, it's just me" He answers calmly before trailing his hands up my arms. I push them both away, "How dare you scare me like that! You should've just gotten out of the car and followed me inside! You scared the living shit out of me!" I sigh frustrated. Wilford chuckles amused, "Don't make such a big deal out of it, dearest one" He gets behind me, massaging my shoulders. I let my head hang forwards and close my eyes again, a slight blush shading my cheeks pink. 

I bite my lip, realizing how bad I needed this kind of relaxation. Then, I suddenly feel Wilford's lips on my neck, kissing me gently. "Wilford" I moan softly. "Hm?" He answers. "Not now please..." He gets his hands off of me, "Alright then" He says before grabbing the shampoo and massaging my scalp. I close my eyes again, and let Wilford do his thing. 

'he knows what a lady likes' 

When we're done showering, I grab a towel and want to dry myself, but Wilford gently takes it from me, and puts it over the heater. I look in the mirror at Wilford, who is standing behind me. He lays his hands on my hips, and looks down at my ass. "What about now?" He purrs behind me. I sigh with a smile, still looking at him in the mirror. His hands trail up my sides as he lays his  chin in the crook of my neck. "Look at how beautiful you are" His hands cup my breasts, kneading gently. I bite my lip while my gaze follows one of his hands down my stomach, and to my womanhood. "You must remember that, (Y/N)" He looks at me in the mirror. I nod slowly and feel one of his fingers slowly starting to rub me. I gulp, "I-I will" I start to blush slightly. 

Wilford chuckles amused at me, and gets his other hand off my breast, gently pushing my upper body forward, making me slightly bend over the sink. "What are you doing" I ask him softly. Wilford just smiles at me in the mirror before he slowly pushes his shaft into my ass. I gasp softly. He pulls his hips back slightly, and pushes again, entering a little deeper. He repeats it a few times and starts to pick up the pace. I start to moan softly and look at Wilford in the mirror. He has one hand on my shoulder, the other one on my hip as he looks down at where he enters me. He starts to thrust harder, with more force. He gapes his mouth open, just like me, "O-oh my god, that was s-so suddenly" I stutter slightly, my breathing getting heavier. 

Wilford bites his lip, "That makes it even better, doesn't it, baby?" He asks. I want to smile, but I feel his thrusts are getting faster, "Y-yes" I moan a little louder. He grabs my hips with both hands and thrusts faster and harder. "C-come on, Will, harder" I whine a moan. Wilford glues his chest against my back, trailing his finger to my front. He starts to rub me again as he thrusts harder and harder. My hair falls in front of my face. "Ohh, yes Wilford!" I moan, "m-more" 

With is other hand he grabs one of my breasts, kneading it roughly. I lay my hand on his, my other hand leaning on the edge of the sink for support. I tilt my head back, resting it on his shoulder, as he thrusts faster. "oh fuck, babe, I'm almost there" Wilford breathes next to my head before burying his face in my neck. I bite my lip hard, feeling my own climax rise too. Wilford thrusts harder and harder, making me moan louder, and making himself grunt and groan more. "O-oohh my god!" I hit my orgasm, losing my strength and quickly setting both hands on the edge of the sink. 

Wilford grabs my hips with both hands again, humping me like a dog as he tilts his head back, "Ohh fuck, I'm there!! Good God!" He groans loudly, listening at my moaning and the sound of our skin slapping against one another. I straighten myself again to lay my head on Wilford's shoulder before Wilford lays his head on mine. I run my hand through his wet hair, still having my eyes closed. I smile to myself while panting, still having my mouth open, "Oh, wow" I say quietly, almost whispering. Wilford kisses my neck a few times before pulling out of me and handing me a towel. 

I smile to myself and look down as I wrap the towel around me, 'damn he's good'. I look in the mirror, wanting to look at Wilford, but he's no where to be seen. Though the bathroom door is open, so he must've walked out. I pull on my clothes and dry my hair as I walk out of the bathroom, "Wilford?" I call him ,"Wil?" But I get no answer. 

'so he just...left?' 

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