ch. 10 maid

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I wake up in a dark bed room, with a few candles lighting up the room. My hands and ankles tied together, and I'm tied to an old, wooden chair, 'what the fuck!?' I think to myself, yanking at the tight ropes, trying to free myself, but with no good results. I sigh when I'm sure I can't escape from the chair. "HELP!!" I yell, "SOMEONE!?" I wait for a response, but I hear absolute silence. I sigh frustrated, "Wilford...?" I ask softly. "Dark, this isn't funny!!" I start to get angry, yanking at the ropes again. I suddenly head soft footsteps, quickly becoming louder. I gulp at the scary speed of them, the person coming closer must be angry. Then suddenly a door opens to reveal a very angry Dark. He growls and walks up to me, "Shut up!" He hisses angry, "I have guests over!" He whisper yells at me. I gulp and quickly nod. Dark walks back to the door, closing it. He unties me and grabs my upper arm tightly, throwing me on the bed, "Hey, that hurts!" I say. Dark rolls his eyes, "I don't care!! Now, pull that on" He commands. I look next to me on the bed, and see a maid outfit laying there. I look back at Dark and shake my head, "no.." I say softly. Dark raises an eyebrow, "Oh, what was that?" He asks dangerous. "You can't tell me what to do..." I cross my arms. Dark growls and takes a few big steps my way, pushing my body down on the bed. He places a hand next to my head, suddenly pointing a knife at my face, "Or can I?" He asks, glaring at me. I gulp and gently take the maid outfit as Dark stands up again.

"Now, I want to tease my friends a little. Because you're MY maid, and they can't touch what's mine, so that'll be fun!" He laughs maniacally. "Come downstairs when you have that on, and put some slutty make-up on, and do your hair!" He says, pointing at the desk in the room, having a mirror above it. I gulp and nod, "Y-yes, Dark" I answer obedient. "And you only listen to me! You don't do what they say, but only what I say! And you may not start a conversation with them. You may only talk to them if they want something from you!! understood!?" He asks. I nod quick, "o-ohkay" I gulp nervously. Before he walks out of the room, Dark turns around to look at me again, "Oh, and before I forget" He says, "You call me either sir, or master, understood?" I nod in reply, "Yes..." I reply. Dark raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. He clears his throat, "Yes what?" He asks strictly. "Y-yes, master" I quickly say. Dark grins amused, "That's right" He says before walking out of the room. I sigh and want to break down and burst into tears, but something just makes me unable to cry.

After a little while of starting in front of me, I stand up and decide to pull on the outfit. I walk to the desk and see red lipstick that'll stay on for twenty four hours, even when you eat, drink, '....or kiss....'. I sigh, 'is that necessary...?' I pick it up and just put it on. I make smokey eyes on my eyelids, and put on some eyeliner with mascara, since there's not really anything else. '' I think to myself before looking in the mirror. I look at my face, thinking I look quite pretty, but with the outfit, I just look like an attention seeker. I sigh and just brush my hair before ruffling it, making it look wild, "fuck that" I say, "I'm not going to make myself beautiful for that asshole and his stupid friends" I mumble before walking to the door. There is a pair of high heels at the door, but I decide to not put them on, "Fuck that too" I say softly before opening the door. I walk in the direction in which I saw Dark leaving. I hear laughing of a wicked voice and a familiar, raspy voice, which I know is Dark, and another man talking, which I don't really recognize.

I walk down the black stairs and see three men sitting at a round table in the living room. One of them is Dark, but one of them has green hair, and blue eyes, and the third has his back facing me. Dark looks up when he notices me, "Ah, there you finally are, maid." he says before hooking his finger repeatedly, commanding me to come over. "Do you guys want something to drink?" He asks as I walk over to the table. The green haired guy has one green eye, with a blue iris, which scares me. I can finally take a good look at the third guy's face. The first thing I see is a pink mustache, "Wilford!" I gasp. The guy looks up at me, and growls, showing his sharp teeth. "Calm down, she doesn't know you that well yet, forgive her this time, Stache" Dark says. Dark glares at me, "What did I tell you, maid!?" He says strictly. "I want some fookin' beer" The green haired guy says, having a slight Irish accent going on. I gulp and nod one before looking at the third guy who looks a lot like Wilford, but more dangerous and angry, "I'll have what he's having...maid!" He commands, glaring at me. I nod, 'two beer, remember it' I think, seeing the Irish guy scanning my body and licking his lips, "Where'd ya get this one, Dark!?" He says. Dark looks at me and my revealing outfit, "I'll have one beer too, maid, kitchen is there" He points at somewhere behind the green haired dude before looking at him "You don't need to know, filthy animal" Dark chuckles. I walk behind Dark, towards the kitchen.

The green haired guy slightly bends forward, looking under my skirt, "Damn, Dark" He says. Dark laughs amused, "You don't get to touch it, it's mine" He says. I stand at the counter, 'IT!? So I'm an object now!?' I think to myself before I start to look at the three beers they've asked for. I can just feel their gazes burning in my behind. "In the cabin where you're standin' in front of, sweetheart" I hear a voice, familiar to Wilford's say. I look behind me, and see him pointing at cabin. I bend down after opening it and look in it, but there's only pans in here. "Whoops, wrong one, dear" the raspy Wilford voice says again. I quickly stand up and glare at them, seeing the green haired guy giving him a high five. I open the fridge and see a lot of beer laying in there. I grab three bottles and hear them continue to talk, "Good one, Darkstache" I hear an Irish accent say again. 'Darkstache!? Of course! Wilford's dark side!' I think to myself as I open some drawers, looking for a bottle opener.

"Where those beers at, maid!?" I hear the Irish guy yell at me when I finally found the bottle opener, "Almost done" I say happily, faking a smile at them. I see Dark giving me a nod with a slight grin, signaling I'm doing good. I quickly open the bottles and bring them to the table. I want to stand next to Dark, since I trust him the most of the three scary men, but before I arrive at the table, Dark points at the space between Darkstache and the Irish guy. I gulp and stand in between them, "Three beer" I say out loud, setting a bottle in front of each of them. "Put the bottle closer to Dark, maid" The Irish man commands. I look at him and sigh softly, before bending over the table to slide the bottle closer to Dark. I stand up straight again and catch both Darkstache and the Irish guy looking under my skirt. I gulp, "Anything else?" I look at the three men. They just look back at me for a moment, making me feel very uncomfortable. Dark raises an eyebrow at me, "Did we ask anything?" He asks strictly. "No, Dark" I reply. He raises an eyebrow at me, "No, what!?" He asks, growling softly. My breath hitches for a moment, "No, master" I quickly answer. Dark nods once, "Wait in the kitchen until we ask you to come over" He commands. I nod once and walk into the kitchen, sitting on the counter. Darkstache glances at me one more time before they begin to talk. I don't listen to them. I look around the kitchen, and around the living room, trying to search for a possible way out.

I'm suddenly being snapped out of my thoughts, "Maid!!" I hear Dark growl at me. I jump off the counter and walk over, "Y-yes, sir?" I ask politely. "Get us some snacks" He commands. I nod once and turn around again. Then suddenly, the Irishman smacks my ass as I walk back to the kitchen. I hear Dark growl in response, "Hey, no touching, you fucker!" He says dangerously. I hear the Irish guy breathe a chuckle, "Dude, calm down!" He says jokingly. I search through the cabins and find a bag of Dorritos. I feel myself getting angrier by the second, hearing them talk about me like I'm an object and they can just make me do things. I roughly grab the bag, walk back to the table and throw the Dorritos on the table, "Here, your little snack" I say irritated. Dark raises an eyebrow, slowly standing up as Darkstache and the Irish guy look at him, "What's this, maid? Why are you behaving do disobedient!?" He growls softly in the back of his throat.

I put my hands in my sides, "I'm sick of you three talking about me like I'm an object. You call me 'it'!! Where did you get 'it', don't touch 'it' , 'it's' mine! I hate it! And I don't like you all looking at my ass all the time! It's pissing me off!!" I yell angry. Dark looks at Darkstache and the Irish guy, "Awh , guys, she doesn't like the way we treat her!" Dark starts laughing amused. Darkstache and the green haired dude laugh with him. Suddenly, Dark stops laughing, "How adorable..." He says blankly before roughly pushing me against the wall behind me. He growls and presses my throat shut, "You will obey me! Understood, MAID!?" He pulls that same knife from his pocket again, holding against my throat. I gulp, "Oh-kay, y-yes" I stutter. Dark growls louder, "Yes, WHAT!?" He pulls my body closer to his, and bangs me against the wall, pressing the knife more against my throat. I feel stinging at my throat, signaling me my skin is being cut open. I glance over his shoulder and see the Irish guy opening the bag of dorritos like nothing's happening, and Darkstache getting the dirt from his nails. "Y-yes, master" I say nervously. Dark takes a step back, "good..." He says calmly, putting the knife away again. He walks back at the table, sitting down.

"Hey, Anti and Stache, what about some poker, huh?" Dark asks, acting like nothing happened. I cough and gently trail my fingers over my throat before looking at them, seeing blood on them. I feel a small trail of blood running down to my chest, in between my boobs. I gulp in pain. "fook yeah!" I hear the Irish guy say. Darkstache chuckles, "Yeah, why the hell not"

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