Ch. 21 you love me

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"Now?!" I ask surprised. Mark nods, "yeah, the sooner the better!" He tells me. I run a hand through my hair, feeling myself getting nervous, "well I don't know about that" I look away from him. "(Y/N)" he lifts my head with a hooked finger, "the sooner the better" I nod slowly, understanding him. "I'll bring you" he stands up and grabs his keys, "you coming?" I nod and follow him out.

Mark pulls up in my driveway and lays his hand on my leg. I look at his friendly eyes and take a deep breath, "here I go..." I unbuckle my seatbelt, feeling Mark gently squeeze my thigh, "First pack your things, then walk downstairs, call him and tell him what the plans are, alright? I'll have the car started" He explains. I nod once and get out, "thank you, Mark" I smile and shut the car door. I walk up to the front door and open it. I head straight to my bed room and grab clothe, underwear, chargers, my purse and everything else. I close my suitcase, and suddenly feel two hands grabbing my hips and pulling me against something that feels like another pair of hips with a slight bulge in the middle. I gulp and straighten myself before turning around, "Wilford!" I say surprised. Wilford looks behind me, "what's all this, honey?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I shyly put a strand of hair behind my ear and grab the suitcase. I take a deep breath, "Wilford...." I just decide to get straight to the point, like Mark said, "Wilford I'm breaking up with you" I tell him, not daring to look in his eyes. He crosses his arms, "you can't!" He says. "Why not?" I ask, wanting to walk away, but Wilford tightly grabs my upper arm, "you love me!" I look into his eyes, "I'm staying at Mark's for a while...I want you to leave me alone...." I jerk my arm out of his grip and walk downstairs. I walk out of the front door to be greeted by Wilford leaning against the porch. "One last kiss, then?" He asks with a smirk. I gulp and look at Mark in the car, waiting for me. I hear the car starting and lean in. Wilford roughly kisses my lips and grabs my ass with both hands, kneading it while walking forward so that I bump against the closed front door. I gasp softly and drop my suitcase as I feel his tongue slip into my mouth and twirling it around mine. Mark honks a few times, signaling I should hurry. I want to push Wilford off of me, but he starts to grind his crotch against me while kneading and massaging my ass. I put my hands on his chest, pressing as hard as I can, "Wilford stop!" I grab my suitcase from the ground, earning a smack on my ass from Wilford. I jump slightly and quickly walk to the car. I step in and look at my house to see Wilford no more.

"See what he did there?" Mark asks blankly. I blush and look out of the window after quickly buckling my seatbelt. "Yeah..." I lie, not really knowing what Mark means. Though I just don't want to talk about what just happened. With my suitcase between my feet, we drive to Mark's house, "I hope you don't mind sleeping in my bed with me again...'cause if you do, I'll sleep on the-" I cut him off with amused chuckles, "No, I don't mind, Mark. It's totally fine" I say, smiling warmly at him, 'I'm single anyway' I think to myself. "So when will Jack be in L-A?" I ask. Mark thinks for a moment, "In...three days I'll pick him up from the airport." He explains. I mouth an 'oh' and nod, "Excited to meet him?" Mark asks. I nod again, "Yeah, actually" I smile at him before looking out of the window. "Though I have to warn you, we will be vlogging and making videos a lot" I breathe a chuckle, "That's fine by me" I tell him, grabbing my phone and scrolling through twitter. "Though I think I'm gonna start working again in a few days" I say. Mark nods, keeping his eyes on the road, "No problem!" He says as he pulls up in his driveway.

He opens the front door and lets his dog, Chica, free out of her dog cage. He pets her roughly and talks gibberish to her. I chuckle and wait for him to be done, "You can leave your stuff in my bedroom." Mark explains. I nod, "okay" I walk up the stairs, into Mark's bedroom and put my suitcase next to the bed. I sigh and sit down, wondering if I made the right choice to break up with Wilford. If we even had anything. 'I mean...we did have sex...' I think, getting flashbacks from the three times he made me feel like the only girl on earth or however people say that. I hear Mark walking up the stairs, "Hey" He greets me with a smile. I smile back, "Hey" I look down at my suitcase. It's quiet for an awkward amount of time, "How are you feeling?" Mark asks, sitting down next to me. I shrug, "I don't know...fine, I guess" I answer. "Look, you will probably think about Wilford a lot, but hey, look next to you!" He says happily. I look next to me and Mark starts laughing, "No, this side, silly" He chuckles amused. I breathe a shy chuckle and look at him. "I'm here...and I look like Wilford, right?" He asks, running a hand through his hair. I sigh softly, "I don't really know if that's a good thing" I say softly. "But at the same time, I'm really different" Mark quickly says after my reply. I breathe a chuckle again, "Yeah" I simply answer. "Do you wanna come downstairs with me?" He asks politely, "I made tea" I chuckle and nod, "That would be nice, Markipooper" I stand up, hearing Mark chuckling behind me, "There you are" He says happily, following me downstairs.

"Where does this Jack live actually?" I ask, sitting down on the couch. Mark sits down next to me, handing me my cup filled with tealicious tea. "Ireland" He answers. I cough and quickly put my cup down. Mark laughs at my surprised reaction. "Ireland!?" I answer. Mark nods, "Yeah, we're both YouTubers" He explains. I mouth an 'oh' "I see" I reply. Mark chuckles, "Yeah, there's this thing called the internet where you can contact people from around the world. Ever heard of it?" He asks jokingly. I slap his arm playfully, "Oh shut up" I take my cup again and sip my tea. "wanna watch a movie?" he asks. I nod, "Yeah, sound good"

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