ch. 25 CAKE

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I start my car, and drive away after a day of hard working, ready for another week of freedom. "Boo"  I hear a smooth voice next to me. I gasp and jump slightly, "Wilford!" I yelp, trying keep the steering wheel straight. Wilford chuckles amused, "How are you doing?" he asks. I sigh frustrated, "I'm leave" I say nervous. "tsk tsk tsk" Wilford clicks his tongue three times, "You called me afraid, correct?" He asks in a sweet tone. I shake my head, "No, I didn't" I keep my eyes on the road. "You're a bad liar, (Y/N). Might as well tell the truth, okay?" He asks. I nod quickly, "Fine" I answer. "Do you still love me?" He asks. I keep my eyes on the road and gulp, not answering. I could lie, but he will know, I could tell the truth...and then what... "Do I have to ask again...?" He asks impatiently. I clear my throat, "Yes, I still love you" I finally answer. "Then why did you leave me?" He asks, laying his hand on my thigh. I look down at his hand, and quickly back at the road, "because you were getting too possessive..." I explain. "pull over, (Y/N)" He says in a low, smooth voice. I gulp and clear my throat nervous, "No, I want to get home, I was gonna play video games with M-"  I'm being cut off my clicking sounds of a gun. Wilford's gun. I whimper softly, and park the car at the side of the road.

I stop the car, and slowly turn my head, seeing Wilford put his small, golden gun back in his pocket, "What kind of things did I do that you didn't like?" He asks. I think for a moment, "for example...when I was going to over to Mark's place, you asked, 'with that shirt' and it was quite a normal shirt. Or when I picked up my phone, you immediately asked who texted me. Meanwhile it was none of your buisness!" I tell him, looking up at his eyes. Wilford runs a hand through his hair, "mhm..." He thinks about it, "You're right..." He says, "I promise to stop with those things. That was a foolish thing to do" he tells me. I nod and smile slightly at him. "Are you willing to forgive me?" He asks, cracking a warm smile. I breathe a happy chuckle, forgetting the fact he pointed  a gun at me just now, and climb on his lap, kissing him passionately. He grabs my ass cheeks with both hands, groaning in the back of his throat as I grind on his crotch. I feel his bulge poking between my legs, and crash in my own seat again, quickly taking off my pants and panties. Wilford quickly unzips his pants and pulls his member out of his boxers, unbuttoning his yellow button-up, and throwing his pink bow tie at his feet before I climb on top of him again. I place his tip at my entrance before lowering my hips. I close my eyes and bite my lip hard  as I lay my head on his shoulder. I moan softly with my mouth closed, feeling Wilford's hot breath in my neck. I bring my hips up a little again, and lower them again, making Wilford enter deeper into me. I slowly start to ride him, moaning softly. "oh m-my god" I breathe heavily. Wilford groans in the back of his throat, "Faster, baby" he grunts. I do as he says, and bounce faster on his lap, leaving small kisses in his neck. I grab the seat and start to bounce faster, moaning a little louder, "I've m-missed this too long" I breathe. "I know, baby, me too" Wilford grunts. I ride him faster and faster, making the car shake slightly. I moan a little louder, "oh Wilford, I'm s-sorry for leaving you" I moan louder. Wilford bucks his hips slightly, hitting that one sweet spot that drives me crazy, "There!! there Wilford, right there" I moan louder, bouncing faster on him."It's okay, baby, I still love you" He grunts. I put my hands on his shoulders, slowing down a little bit, "you love me...?" I stop. "baby, don't stop!" He groans disappointed. "You're right" I go faster and faster again, going the same speed as before. "harder, (Y/N)!" Wilford grunts, "ohh, I love you! I fucking love you" He grabs my waist,laying his head on my chest. I push my upper body way from his, quickly pulling off his shirt, "ohh that's better, baby. Pull off your bra" He groans, begging me. I quickly unhook my bra, thrusting hard and fast, making the care shake a little more. "oh, yes, just like that"  Wilford groans, burying his face between my breasts, running his hands down my back and grabbing my ass again.

"W-Wilford, I'm getting close" I grind hard on his lap, making his member rub against my walls. "me too, baby" He says, kneading my ass and kissing my chest. I run my hands through his hair and moan louder as I hit my climax, "ohh fuck yes" I moan, "I'm there" I breathe heavily, arching my back and pressing my eyes shut. Wilford has his hands under my shoulder blades, pressing my upper body close to his. "hmmpp fuck!" He comes a few seconds after I do.  I ride out my orgasm, bucking my hips a few times with my head tilted back. "wow..." I grind slow on his lap. "that was amazing, baby" Wilford says, kissing my neck. I gulp, having a dry mouth and get off of his lap. I pull up my panties and pants. "yeah" I pant as I pull on my bra and shirt. Wilford zips up his pants again. When I finally catched my breath, I start the car and drive home as Wilford buttons up his blouse again, "So now what?" I ask glancing at him. "You come home again, and we'll have amazing sex like that every day...? Sound like a fair deal?" He asks. I breathe a chuckle, "Okay, I'll go home"I tell him as I pull up in Mark's driveway. "See you tonight?" Wilford asks. I unbuckle my seatbelt and look at him, "yeah" I reply with a smile  before pecking his lips, "I'll be ready for you, sexy" He winks at me. I open my car door and look his way again, to see he's gone again. I sigh happily to myself and step out. I walk to the front door, and want to knock, but it's opened before I can. "(Y/N)!! Welcome home!" Jack says, holding a cake that's poorly decorated. I laugh, "What did you two do?" I ask, seeing Jack being covered in whipping cream and flour. Mark walks up behind Jack and throws another hand full of flour on top of his head. Jack gasps, "MARK!! YOU SAID YOU WOULD STOP!" He yells, running after Mark into the kitchen again. Mark runs into the bathroom and locks himself in there. I walk to the kitchen and see a camera, "ah, I see..." I mumble to myself.

Jack laughs, "yeah, we made food porn" He jokes. I chuckle. "No, we made a least we tried" I start to laugh, "You guys are the worst!" I yell while laughing. Jack chuckles cutely, putting two spoons into the dishwasher. "You're going to taste it and judge if it's good enough, okay?" He asks. I walk to the cake, standing in the camera sight. I look at the camera, which is on the other side of the kitchen island, "MERKK!!! C'MERE!" Jack yells before Mark arrives in the kitchen. Mark and Jack lean on my shoulder, "So our friend (Y/N) here is going to judge if the cake is good!" Mark says, "You probably wondered what happened...." he's quiet for a moment, "yeah...that happened" I chuckle and look at him before looking down at the cake, looking not so tasty. "What do you think, (Y/N)?" Jack asks. I shake my head, "Doesn't look good" Mark and Jack gasp, "What!?" I chuckle, "I mean, it looks wonderful! Like a masterpiece! hmm can't wait to taste it!"  I sarcastically. Jack and Mark laugh before Mark hands me a knife, "go ahead" he says. I cut off a piece and grab it with my hand. "or you could use your hand" Mark says. I look at him and see that he was ready with a fork. I laugh and take a bite. "aaaaaaaanddd?" Mark and Jack ask impatiently. "This is actually, legit delicious!" I say. They both laugh, "You're kidding!" Jack says. I shake my head, "No! It even smells good, come on, smell it!" They both bend down to smell the cake, but I push their heads in it, "Got 'em!!" I laugh and walk away, like nothing just happened. Mark and Jack laugh and slam their faces in the cake again, licking it off their faces. I just laugh, sitting at the camera, "Y-You two are s-so stupid" I can barely breathe, looking at their faces covered in whipping cream.

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