Ch. 9 separation

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It's the next day and I decide to go to Marlyn first, and tell her that I found the weak spots of both men. I wear normal clothes again, but I left the outfit in my office, for when I need it again.

"Goodmorning, Marlyn" I greet her cheerful. Marlyn smiles warmly at me, "and? Do you have news for me?" She asks. I nod, "I found both weak spots!" I tell her. Marlyn jumps and claps, "Great!! how did you do it?" She asks me curious. I gulp, "well...I did it" I tell her, running a hand through my hair, breathing a shy chuckle. "Yeah! but--ohh, never mind" She chuckles, "now, I just need to get him over here, and I'll do my thing!" She explains.

I nod, "But, one question...why does they need to be distracted?" I ask. Marlyn clears her throat, ""Cause it'll probably hurt, so they could try to stop me, and the three of them need to be active. Or at least try to be active" She explains. I nod, understanding her, "Wel, I'll just go and put on the outfit and bring Mark here after, okay?" I tell her. Marlyn nods, "Of course! Please, hurry, I feel the energy becoming impatient...he knows you're not hurrying...quick quick!" I quickly walk out, closing the doors behind me. I jog to my office and quickly pull off my long white coat and my shirt and pants to get in the circus outfit again.

But then the door opens, "doctor, you need to--" I quickly turn around, having the outfit pulled up until my waist, and standing there in my bra. I blush, "Why are you standing there, Chris!! Close the damn door!" I say, embarrassed. He closes the door behind him, still being in my office. "NO! OUT!!" I yell angry and frustrated. "S-sorry, doctor" He quickly steps outside. 'I should've closed the damn door!' I think as I walk to the door, closing it. I quickly pull on the outfit and pull the long doctor's coat on. I sigh, and unlock my office door before opening it. Chris is still standing there, waiting for me. He wants to speak up, but I stick up my index finger and 'shush' him. "NOT...a word..." I simply say before walking away, to Mark's room.

Chris follows me, "doctor, may I ask-" I cut him off, "NO! you may not!" I whisper yell at him. "Hit the road!" I say frustrated, still slightly embarrassed. I quickly continue to walk and leave him standing there in the hallway, watching me walk away.

I open the door, "Goodmorning-" I look at his neck, seeing nothing around it, "Mark" I smile at him. He looks up at me, "H-hey, (Y/N)" He says, looking slightly nervous. I raise an eyebrow, "Everything okay?" I ask. Mark stands up and slowly shakes his head, but immediately nods very quick, "Yeah! yeah, everything's fine, doc!" He tells me. "It's just that...Dark told us what's going to happen today" He explains. I nod, "Aren't you excited?" I ask happily. Mark smiles slightly, breathing a chuckle, "well, yeah! But it's probably gonna hurt, and I'm not looking forward to that, so..." I mouth an 'oh, "I see, well, it'll be over soon, Marky!" I tell him before reaching my hand out for him to take. "Follow me, please" I command. Mark gently takes my hand, smiling up at me. I lead him to the door and open it for him, but when I look back at Mark, I see a pink warfstache on his upper lip. I smile, and blush slightly, "Hey, Wilford"

An amused grin grows on his soft lips, "Well hello there, gorgeous" He says seductively before kissing each of my knuckles. I smile slightly, letting him walk through the door first. I close it behind me and open the next door. We walk to Marlyn's room together. Some of my colleagues give Wilford some weird looks, "Hey, I know I'm stunning, but don't look at me like that!" He yells back at them, "Take a picture, it lasts longer!" He yells frustrated again. I lay my hand on his shoulder, getting his attention, "Wilford, please calm down" I say softly. He sighs frustrated and shakes his head before looking in front of him. I do the same, but look back at him again when I hear some raspy, amused chuckles. I see a white tie. hello Dark. "Are we finally going to free me from this body?" He asks impatiently. I nod in response, "Yes, Dark, we are" I tell him. "Had fun yesterday?" He asks, grinning devilish from ear to ear. I slightly narrow my eyes, "What do you mean?" I ask. 'no way he knows about Wilford and me.' I think as I stare back into Dark's eyes, "You know exactly what I mean, doc" He says.

I gulp and open the door, "After you" I don't answer his question, making him laughs amused, "How adorable" He opens the next door for himself. I close the two doors behind me and see Marlyn standing up, holding her hand out to Dark, "Hey, my name is Marlyn" She introduces herself. Dark looks at her hand, and back up at her face, "Dark...So you're going to help me get rid of these fools?" He asks blankly. Marlyn sighs softly, pulling her hand back, "Yeah, I'm going to separate you from each other" She explains. Dark looks around her room for a moment, "Good! Get started quickly, I have things to do" He says before grinning my way. I narrow my eyes, slightly confused, but I shrug it off. Marlyn nods, "okay, well just stand here, and look at the white wall" She explains, standing next to him. "Where's my distraction?" Dark asks, raising an eyebrow at me. I cross my arms. "well, mister Dark, we're going to try without first, though I need the tree of you try to control the body" She explains. Dark sighs annoyed, "Just get it over with, woman" He growls in the back of his throat.

Marlyn nods and starts to do her thing. She closes her eyes, holding one hand in front of Dark's chest, the other close to his back. She mumbles some words in another language or something, which I don't understand. Dark rolls his eyes, not amused, "it's not working, I need distraction" He says, glancing at me. I shake my head and hold my index finger against my lips, commanding him to stay quiet. Dark sighs, but suddenly jumps a little, "OUCH! fuck, woman, that hurts!!" He presses his hands against his chest. Marlyn looks at me, and sighs, "we'll need the distraction then..." She says. I nod once, seeing Dark biting his lips, raising an eyebrow. His eyes study every movement I make. I slowly unbutton my doctors coat and look down at my hands. "Come on, hurry up!" I hear Dark growl. I ignore him and just continue. I sigh and look up, seeing the pink warfstache again. I smile and slide the coat off my shoulders, looking at Wilford's loving smile, "let's get started then" Marlyn says. "May I touch her, miss?" Wilford looks at Marlyn, "Or will that be dangerous for the progressing?" He asks again. Marlyn shrugs, "No, it's fine" She answers before doing the same, one hand in front of Wilford's chest, one behind his back. Wilford hooks and straightens his finger over and over again, wanting me to come closer. Marlyn starts to do her thing and Wilford looks at me, gently taking my hand.

Suddenly Wilford's warm smile disappears, and a devilish grin appears, "Touch yourself, baby" He says in a raspy voice before starting to groan painfully, "garrhggg" He growls. "Dark?" I ask. "Darkstache!" He growls loudly at me, clearly being in pain. I gulp, 'Darkstache?' Before I can say anything, the angry, dangerous look disappears and the innocent Wilford appears again. He grits his teeth and presses his eyes shut, "Bloody hell that hurts!!" He yells.

"Look away for a moment, (Y/N)" Marlyn says, still having her eyes closed. I nod and turn around. I suddenly feel two hands on both my ass cheeks, squeezing and kneading roughly. I keep standing like this, though I'm sure this Darkstache is touching me now. The painful grunting and groaning stops and the feeling of hands on my behind disappears. I open my eyes, and slowly turn around, seeing three people standing there, one has pale skin with a shade of grey, his eyes are darker brown than they used to be. He also wears a white tie and has a line of black eyeliner around his eyes. He wears black pants and a black T-shirt. His hair is black, the same as it used to be. I'm assuming that's Dark.

The person in the middle must be Mark, because the person on the other side of him wears a yellow blouse, grey pants and suspenders, a pink mustache and bow tie, and a little longer black hair than Mark and Dark. A bright smile appears on my face, "Oh my god!" I chuckle happily. Wilford and Dark look at themselves, but Mark is just glaring at Dark, watching everything he does. I wonder why, but decide not to ask, because I'm way to happy.

"Finally!!! Ohh, I've missed my body so much!" Dark says, looking at himself. "huh? Missed your body?" I ask confused, "I thought you were always in Mark's head or something like that." I say confused. Dark looks at me, grinning wickedly. Mark grabs his upper arm, "No, Dark! You've had your fun, it's over now!" He says angry. I lower my eyebrows, "What?" I ask. Wilford runs a hand through his hair. "can we leave now?" He asks. I shake my head, "no, no, what are you guys talking about!?" I say, slightly shocked. Dark glares at Mark before grinning at me. He sudden;y starts to run my way and lifts my up, over his shoulder, "Woah!! What are you doing!!" I yell, afraid. "NO!! Dark, let her go!!" I hear Mark yell" Suddenly, everything around me becomes black, and Dark and I disappear from view for Marlyn, Mark and Wilford.

It's dark all around me, "Where are you taking me!? Where are we!?" I ask, trying to wiggle my way off of Dark's shoulder. "Shut up!" He commands, growling at me. "DARK!! LET ME GO!" I yell louder. Dark growls angrily and puts me on the ground. "Good!" I snap angry at him, but I spoke too soon. The last thing I see and feel is Dark raising his fist, and slamming it against me, making me pass out...

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