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"Em? Emily. Wake up." Eli said. I groaned, "What?" He laughed. "Food is done and you need to wake Lia up too." I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. I looked to my side to find Lia curled up beside me. I smiled down at her. She was such a sweet child. "Lia," I shook her lightly, "Time to wake up. There's food." She opened her eyes and yawned. "Food?" She asked. I laughed some, "Yes, there's food." As I said that Eli walks in the living room, I notice that he now has a shirt on. "Are you guys getting up yet?" He asked. Lia laughs and runs to him and he picks her up. I roll my eyes at them and follow them to the short walk to the kitchen.

Eli has set the table and there were three plates laying on the small dinning room table. I wasn't sure how to respond. Yeah, I'm used to him cooking for me every once in a while but after our fight a few days ago I'm just glad he's even talking to me. I didn't expect him to come over. He grabbed the plates and put the food on them. He made mash potatoes, corn, and some steak that I forgot I had in the freezer. I asked Lia how much she wanted and her reply was, "All of it." We all started laughing some. I shook my head as I poured the food on her plate. I sat it down in front of her and went to the living room to grab her juice. I came back to see that Eli had already made my plate for me and he was getting his. "Thank you." I said as he sits down. "You're welcome Em." was the reply I got before we all started eating.

After we ate and had a few funny arguments during dinner, I checked the time. "Lia, do you have school tomorrow?" I asked as I cleaned the table. "No," she giggled, "it'll be Saturday. I don't go to school on Saturday's." I shook my head. "Right, right. Sorry, I forgot." I explained. My mind was still extremely off from from the dream I ended up having of the hospital. I shivered some. "You cold?" Asked Eli. "Nah, I'm okay. Just a cold chill." He nodded. "Hey, um, I'm about to go home. I know you said I could stay but..." He drifted off. I shrugged. "It's up to you. I know where my gun is and I know where the baseball bat is. I took self defense classes too, you, out of all people should know that I can kick some serious ass. Okay? We'll be fine." I turned around and smiled at him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get dishes done."

I started to fill up the sink with warm water. "No need to be that way." He spoke quietly. I spun back around with the soapy spoon and shook it at him, "NO NEED TO BE LIKE THAT? I'll be fucking damned. You're the one who taught me how to shoot. You're the one who made me learn self defense. Am I wrong? Oh, did you forget about the time that I kicked your ass because you got drunk and tried to pull some shit?" I yelled. I didn't know why everything hit me so hard. It just did. All the anger from that night a year ago today still fucks with me a lot. He looked at the ground. "I'm sorry. I'll be leaving now." Was all he said before he went to the living room, grabbing his stuff and having Lia hug him as he walked out the door. I leaned against the sink for a moment before finishing the dishes.

A couple minutes later I hear Lia call my name. It's so weird having a child say your name when you just got used to living alone. I smiled and went to see what she needed. I peeked my head around the corner, "Yes?" I asked. "Um, do you think that we could go get some coloring books?" She looked up at me. I smiled. "Dollar store trip?" I answered. She smiled. I went ahead and pulled on my converse that I've had for a few years and slid them on. I grabbed my keys and went to the door as I waited on my mini me to tie her shoes. She jumped up when she was done. "Ready?" I asked. She nodded enthusiastically. I opened the door and we walked down the hall, outside into the brisk fall weather, and got in my truck.

I pull into the Dollar Store when I realize I forgot to grab my wallet. "Um, Lia..." I started. She looked over at me and began to laugh. "I forgot my wallet." I admitted and I started biting my lip. She shook her head at me. "Why am I always the responsible one?" she asked as she pulled the wallet from her jacket. My mouth dropped open, "Well you little rascal. I guess you got me covered then, huh?" I asked.

She handed me the wallet and giggled as she undid her seat belt. I shook my head and climbed out of the truck walking to the front to be joined by Lia and her hand. She grabbed my hand and began lightly pulling me inside the store. I followed her and laughed quietly behind her as she ran to the coloring section. She gazed intently at the books and eventually picked out two animal coloring books and I picked out a Lisa Frank coloring book. I grabbed a 64 box of crayons and a 64 pack of color pencils. I looked at Lia, "Do we need anything else?" I asked. She thought about it for a moment, leaning against the wall. "Nope." She answered shaking her head and smiling. I nodded and grabbed her hand as we headed towards the cashier. We waited in line quietly, but Lia was so excited about the coloring book she was practically jumping out of her skin. When it was our turn to check out, the cashier asked jokingly, "Is she yours?" I looked at the guy. My jaw dropped for the second time tonight. "Hi, Jake." I said quietly. He smiled as Lia placed her items on the counter. Jake scanned the items and told me the price. "That's, um, oh right, 15. 62 please." I smiled a little and grabbed my wallet that had a 20 inside. I handed him the money. He started to hand my the money back and he noticed the necklace. He stopped and stared at me for a moment. That goddamned gaze got me every-time. I cleared my throat. "You- you still wear that." He stated quietly. "The only time I take it off is in the shower." I explained. All he said was, "Oh. Okay." and I nodded. "Well, be careful, have a good night Jake." I said and walked out the door. "Yeah, you too." He mumbled, sounding distant. I unlocked my truck and smiled at Lia, "You ready to go home?" She giggled and said, "Yes, but um, Emily, who was that guy in the store." She asked as I was pulling out of the parking lot. I smiled and glanced over at her and then back at the store, "Oh, him? Well, he's a stranger with some really good memories, that's all." She looked confused and then asked, "Oh, kinda like something you remember but you can't forget at the same time." I thought about what she said. She's such a smart intelligent child. I nodded and replied, "Yeah, something like that."

We pulled back into the apartment's lot, and hopefully, I can sleep some tonight after I get Lia to sleep. I smiled as I parked in my usually spot. Time to go be a kid again.

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