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Jake has been staying with me and helping me move Lia into my apartment. From what I'm gathering, Lia's mom is moving states. She made the decision the night after Lia asked to stay with me. We have all been grabbing suitcases, toys, stuffed animals, and anything else Lia wanted into the spare bedroom in my apartment. "Emilyyyyy." I hear my name being called from the other room. "I'm coming." I yelled back. I get up and turn the corner, heading down the hallway. "Ow." I mumbled as me and Jake collided. I looked up at him and he was staring down at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, have you seen Lia anywhere?" I questioned and glanced around him. "Um, yeah she's in her room." I smiled and continued the short walk into her room. "Yeah?" I asked as I opened her door.

Lia's eyes were extremely red and bloodshot. I immediately ran to her; she was curled up on her bed. "What's wrong? Talk to me please." I whispered by her ear. "I-I just w-want to g-go and s-see, " hiccup, "my m-mommy." I hugged her and brushed her hair out of her face. "Shhh, it's okay. How about we get dressed and see her before she takes off on her flight, yeah?" I tried to comfort her. Lia looked up at the door as Jake walked in. "I'm not meaning to interrupt or anything but, uh, Em there's someone at the door for you." I looked at him surprised. "Who is it?" I asked. Jake shrugged, "I don't know, he just asked if you were home." I frowned as I got up, "Can you watch her or talk to her, please Jake. I'll be right back." I kissed Jake on the cheek and walked to the door.

I opened the door to a man standing there. "It's been a long time Emily, how are you?" The gentlemen asked. I smiled as the recognition kicked in. "Officer Greg!" I squealed and threw my arms around his neck. He laughed gruffly and hugged me back. "How are you kiddo?" He asked again. "I'm okay now. I have a little one to watch right now so I'm sorry but would it be okay if we talked inside?" I asked. "Well of course." Officer Greg replied. I opened my door back up and saw a shirtless Jake running into the hallway. I got very concerned and Greg started laughing. I felt my face heat up. "I'll be right back." I excused myself. I ran into the laundry room to find Jake putting his shirt in there. "Lia threw up, it was only on me but you might want to get permission from her mother to officially take care of her." I smiled at Jake, "Well, that's what I was going to do tonight." He didn't return my smile right away but I changed the subject, "Your shirts are in the second drawer in my bedroom." I said quietly and began to walk back to Greg.

"We still haven't caught the man that hurt your father, I know it's been over a year, but I really think we're getting close to figuring out more information." He explained. I sighed. Will they ever find this damn man? "Greg, if you don't mind, I have a question." I spoke carefully. "What's that?" He replied, giving me a weird look. "Have you heard from Jess any?" I asked and looked up at him. His smile gave me some hope. "Actually yes, he called the other day. He wants to join the police enforcement." He answer startled me. "What?" my jaw drops. He chuckles, "Yeah. He has signed off on paperwork, and is ready for training. I guess what he did last year for you really turned his life around." I shook my head, remembering the Jess that I knew. The care free one, the guy who just couldn't sit still. And now he's growing up. "Well, if he gets a job near by I might start walking in more often." I smiled. Officer Greg sighed and stood up, checking his watch. "I must be going, Anne is making dinner and I can't be late." He winked at me, "Have a nice night Emily." I smiled and waved, "You too Officer Greg." I closed the door behind him.

I leaned my head against the cold wooden door and felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. "Can we go see my mom?" I heard Lia ask. I turned around and picked her up, "Yes, yes we can." Jake appeared out of my room with a shirt I hadn't seen in a while. "Are you coming with?" I asked. Jake smiled at me, "Yeah, I'll gladly come." I put Lia down so we could all go get our shoes on before we headed to her mom's apartment. Wow, this is it. I will be a parent. I smiled and felt my eyes tear up. I stopped myself when I felt Jake put his hand on my back. "Ready?" He asked poking at my side. I swatted at his hand, "Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be." I grabbed Lia's hand before making sure the door was locked and shut behind me. This is it, I'm actually doing it. Us three walked quietly down the hallway and steps, only sound was our footsteps echoing.

     We got to her mom's door, and knocked. No one answered at first so we knocked again. The door slowly creaked open and  I smile at her. "Lia wanted to see you before you left. And I was wanting to talk to you about something." She smiled and nodded, "Yes of course loves." We all walked in. Lia let go of my hand, leaving it cold, and ran to her mom. "Mommy, when are you leaving?" Her mom looked at her with a sad expression; almost pained. "I'm leaving in about an hour." Lia's eyes got teary. She turned towards me and wrapped her tiny arms around me. "Lia," I whispered, "It's okay honey. I got you." Lia looked at her mom, "I don't want to see you anymore mommy." And buried her head into my side. Her mom looked at me, closed her eyes and reopened them. Her eyes were a bright red; she was holding herself back from crying.  "You can go now, she doesn't have to keep going through this." I didn't say anything. I picked up Lia, "Can you and Jake go back to the room? I'm going to talk to your mom for a second." Lia's beautiful eyes looked up at me. "Okay." She said quietly. I handed her off to Jake and I told him to go. "I'll be okay." I promised. His eye leave mine slowly as he walks out the door. I turn back to Lia's mom. "You're letting the most wonderful child go. I hope you know that." I shook my head. "But it's better for her." She tried to argue. I shook my head again, "No," I started, "What's good for her would be to have a mother that actually cared. The court signed her over to me because you couldn't. I'll take care of her." I looked around the vacant room for a moment. "Where's your phone?" I asked. She pulled it out of her pocket and put it in my awaiting hand. I opened her lock screen and put my number in her contacts. "You have my number. Don't make me regret it." She looked at me for a moment; she looked so lost and for a moment I felt bad. But she was the one to get herself into this. "I'm going to go make sure Lia's okay. I don't want her to think that I'm leaving her too." And with that I walked out of her apartment. 

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