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The teacher drops a book on my desk and i jumped and pulled out my earbuds.  "Sorry." I mumbled as he taps his foot. He purses his lips, "See me after class Mrs. Nichole." He said through clenched teeth. Awh fuck, he used my last name. I'm screwed. I sighed as the bell rang and i gathered up my stuff, placing the pencil in my mouth so I wouldn't forget it again.
I put all the notebooks back inside the backpack and slowly walked up to Mr. Parkers desk.
"You wanted to see me." I said quietly.
He looked up at me from his seat, he looked concerned. "Are the dreams back again? You don't look like you you've been sleeping lately." Fuck. He knew me better than I remember. "No, I'm fine. Just distracted." I lied. It sounded better than it did in my head. He looked at me straight faced and asked, "Is it your dad?" I froze. Why? Why did he have to bring him up? "What the hell does he have to do with anything? Are you going to say he's disappointed in my actions also!? Well go the fuck ahead! Everyone else has. Its not like I ever did anything to make him proud?!" I screamed at Mr. Parkers. I was shaking. 
I hadn't realized how much I had been holding in.
He looked sad. His brown, deep eyes looked at mine. I could tell i had hurt him. Fuck. That's all I'm fucking good at. Dammit.
"He was proud of you; he was very proud." Mr. Parkers mumbled, looking at his hands. "You can go now. Have a nice day." He dismissed me with a wave of his hand.
I nodded and walked out of his class with my head down.
I walked down the halls going to my locker. I look down when I walk, I'm not sure why but its just a habit.
 I look up as i get to my locker and I see my best friend waiting there for me. He looks down at me, "Okay, what happened. What's wrong." He demanded. My best friend is a guy. Yep. A guy. His name is Eli. He's a year older than me and a whole foot taller than me. (He's six five in case you were wondering.)
He has this concerned looked on his face. I frown. "Don't give me that face." I grumble at him. "Well I am. So tell me whats fucking wrong. Please." Eli begged. He looked at me with his hazel eyes and i knew if he asked what was wrong, I was going break down and tell him. So i look at him as he trades me books for my last class of the day. "I'm coming over later. Don't cook." He stated. I was meaning to stop him, but he looked mad so I wasn't going to push him. "Okay Eli." I said and waved bye as he turned away from me. I noticed his tight grip on his backpack.
What was wrong with him? What'd I do? I sighed frustrated and walked to class.
My last class was small, only about 12-15 people. The teacher hardly showed up so most of the time we didn't really do anything. Some of us slept, some read, some just sat there, or ones like me, who listen to music maybe a tad to loud. But I don't care. It helps keep everything quiet.
I sit down as the bell rings.  Oh shit. Oh shit oh shit oh shit.
At first I heard his laugh, and I thought it couldn't be true. Then I heard his voice and i felt sick. I turned around to see if it was true.
Yep, it sure fucking was him. Great. My ex has moved back. Fantastic.
I pull my hood slightly over my hair and turned up the music again. Don't come over here, don't come over here. I silently willed him to stay away.
I heard a few people say bye and he walked in my classroom with a note.
Holy shit. I'm done. I'm so done.
He handed the teacher the note, "Well, it's great to see you again." He spoke to the teacher. "Well, hello there Jake. Your seat is right over there." Mrs. Dan said.
She pointed to the seat in front of mine.
I grabbed my stuff off of his new, oh-so-great table, and stuck it in the chair beside me. I moved my feet out of his chair, faced the chair beside me to my left, and propped my feet on the side of the chair.
I heard him sit his stuff down and clear his throat. "Hi I'm- oh..." he started to speak.
"Hi Jake..." I mumbled.
"I could move, if you want me too." I offered. He shook his head 'no'. I sighed.
"Damn. You still- damn." He spoke softly.
"I what?" I asked, looking at him in the face for the first time in over a year. His eyes were still the same memorizing grey-green color, but his hair had gotten a little darker and longer. His lips were still full. His teeth were still perfect. His voice still fucking had that soothing sound. Goddamn, ugh. He looked a bit taller, more lean than the last time. The last time... I shook my head, Get your shit together.  I swallowed.
"Forget it. It doesn't matter now." He answered.
I wanted to press some more, but from past experience, that wouldn't be very smart. He didn't do to well with being asked questions repeatedly.
I went to speak when I heard a high-pitched scream, "JAKE!"
We both looked over to see a blonde girl running from the other side of the classroom. He groans, "Fuck." I smile a little.
This outta be interesting, I thought to myself.
This petite, peppy, little blonde girl latches onto Jake. She jumps on his lap and wraps her arms around him. "God, where have you been? I've missed you soooo much." She giggles, tossing her hair back.
"I've been busy, now will you please get off my Kate." He sounds frustrated.
I cough a little to stifle a laugh. He looks over at me and realizes what I'm doing.
Kate glares over at me, "And what is your problem?" I look over at her and smile. "I'm perfectly fine, thanks for asking blondie." I said and winked at her.
She gasps and looks down at Jake, who had just shoved her off of him and was now laughing in his seat. She crosses her arms and marches over to her seat.
I get up, putting all my stuff in my backpack, trying to avoid his stare.
I walk over to the teachers desk, but to no surprise, she's asleep in the chair.
I scribble a note saying, "I went to the library - Emily N." 
I walked out the door knowing his eyes were on me.
I wiped a tear as I walked out of the classroom.

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