Chapter 2

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There was no way I was even blinking that night. I kept thinking about the two words, two words that made me question everything. Was Ray just joking? I replayed the scene in my head millions of times by now, repeating Ray's words to myself, remembering his facial expressions, they definitely didn't look fake at all. It was eating me up more and more, so I decided to go for a walk instead of sitting in silence with the exceptional snores coming from Jamia's open mouth.

How Cute.

I got dressed into some pants and a t-shirt which was quite casual. It was  only 4am after all.

It was also cold, but I couldn't care less if I froze.

I'm not going to dress properly, I've nobody to impress, after all.

I hesitated for a few seconds before going down the staircase and into the reception, where it was completely dark except for one little lamp at the desk where Gerard was sleeping while snoring quite loudly. I was trying my best to not wake him up but to my horror, the door had a bell. I was glad I spotted it before it was too late. I really didn't need Gerard's happy small talk right now, especially since I learned the meaning of the name of the 'hotel'. The business had belonged to Gerard, I presumed.

He owns a hotel?


I gently held the bell in between my index finger and my thumb, making sure not the faintest noise could be heard. I then slowly opened the door, still holding the bell and walked out. I let go and took a run for it. I didn't care if the creepy man woke up now, I was far enough to not be seen as I hid behind the corner of one of the towers. I only noticed at that moment that the building was hiding a forest behind it.

"Perfect", I sighed as I headed towards the trees.

Just fucking Perfect.

I needed a little bit of fresh air and this was my dose. I strolled on the leaves, hearing a crunch every time I put my foot down. I loved to hear the leaves crunch in the Winter. It was almost like I was crushing their tiny bones, pretending I can hear little screams.

Yup, I know, I'm mad in the head.

I was pretty fucked back in my days, and some things never go away, I figured. After about half an hour of walking I reached, what I thought was the centre of the woodland. There was a giant Dragon Blood tree standing tall right in front of me.

This somehow got even creepier now.

The tree must've obviously been planted artificially as there was no way this naturally just grew, and I knew that. I was obsessed with anything blood related when I was younger so I obviously knew about this tree.

I'm not some noob.

Without hesitation, I ran up to it and broke a branch off, revealing the blood red sap hiding inside. I looked down at it, remembering when my own arm resembled the branch.


I looked down at my watch to check the time. It was only about 5am, still plenty of time.

"It's a Dragon Blood Tree", Gerard remarked, making me jump.

Dude, ever heard of privacy?

I guess this is his territory though.

I turned around, looking at him stare at me. He was leaning against it, his coat was removed, only his shirt, tie and pants were on him.

Woah hey there hottie.


I'm straight for God's sake.

"I know", I replied. He didn't look so creepy anymore.

"Are you okay?", He asked, still not moving from his stop.

I nodded. Then I remembered why I was here in the first place.

"Um... Gerard, is it?"

He nodded.

"What's with the name of the hotel?", I asked, trying not to seem scared, but to be completely honest, I was shitting my pants.

"Oh, It's a family business. Started by my great papa", He answered, patting the tree. His pale hand standing out from the dark bark. It was such a beautiful sight.

The sun began to rise, making the scene even more prepossessing. The colors melting in the background. Gerard looked so amazing, I just wanted to ki-

Woah. Hold up.

I'm straight.

I have Mia.

End of discussion.

"We should head inside. This 's a sketchy part of town 'nyway", He announced. He had a very thick Jersey accent, one that I recognised too well. I wonder if he knew where Belleville was.

"Um, Yeah we should"

We walked the short distance, discussing his roots and the history of the hotel. It was quite interesting. Established in 1942, just after the second World War. He told me how the hotel wasn't known because people had spread bad rumors about it but none of them were true. I wasn't sure whether to believe him or not. He seemed quite sketchy to me.

He was no more than three years older than me, I figured. Not that it mattered, I was only here for a week after all. There was no possible way of us having anything close to a friendship. In other words, we will never see eachother again.

Oh, What a shame.

I went back to my hotel room, finding Jamia asleep, nothing out of the ordinary. She was snoring away as I took off my clothes and got into the bed beside her. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and wrapped my arms around her waist. She didn't move. I wasn't surprised, her sleep was always heavy.

I felt relieved because of my chat with Gerard. He didn't seem that creepy anymore. He sounded genuine, but for some reason I found him so attractive. His black hair, styled on point, his suit suited him very well too. It made him look so hot.

Oh God.

Am I really thinking about a man while I'm lying beside my future wife, if all goes to plan?

I guess so.

I quickly then fell asleep.

Gerard wasn't on my mind.

Not at all.


Jamia woke me up a couple of hours later. She started pecking me on the lips, whispering some sweet little words. My heart began to beat faster. This beautiful woman was mine.

She was already dressed, to my surprise. She was wearing a black long sleeve top, which was tucked into a grey skater skirt. She had black leggings which went down to a little under her knees. She had socks on with her ankle boots. Her hair was tied pack into a neat little pony tail. She was beautiful.

"What are we doing today, honey?", She asked with a smile.

"Wait, lemme get dressed", I replied, while throwing on some black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

I was taking her to breakfast in a nearby café where I hoped we'd have some good food.

I hope this all works out.


AAAand, Imma stop it right here! I have the storyline thought through so its not gonna be messed up like the killjoy one! Xoxo- DWS x

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