Part 5

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I decided to stay in the hotel for the remainder of the "holiday". Another family had joined my stay and I was glad in a way that I wasn't here alone. I may know Gerard a bit better now but there's still some doubt telling me that he's not 100% trustworthy. The family had four people, and so they rented two rooms. There were the two parents, a mam and dad, I presumed, a boy who was around the age of nine, I'd say and a girl who was no older than sixteen. It was a stereotypical family, the girl was always on her phone, the boy playing on a tablet and the parents observing. I couldn't help but to hear the exchanging of words, "what a beautiful place!", "It is indeed!", being spoken over and over again by both of the parents. I overheard them saying that they're staying for two weeks, meaning they'll still be here when I go back to Jersey to continue my pointless life, now that Jamia's left me. I decided not to fill the rest of the day with sorrow and self pitty so I decided to go to the beach to relax.

I put a cigarette between my lips, lighting it this time. All my anxiety disappeared with a single drag. I missed the taste of it. The nicotine was replacing all of my doubts and sorrows. I could tell that this wasn't going to be the last time I smoke. Maybe I'll just die of cancer and forget about Jamia completely.

I walked to the beach with my cigarette in my mouth and my hands burried in the pockets of my jeans. The beach wasn't far, only two and a half cigarettes away. I passed bars and clubs which were really tempting, but I decided to leave the self destruction for another time. I could've sworn I've seen Jamia at least twice, probably with that guy of hers, which she probably left me for. Tears started to form in my eyes So I shook my head violently, not caring about the looks I got from strangers. They were never going to see me again, so why care what they think?

The beach was as beautiful as ever and I could tell why people enjoyed it so much. You always hear in books or whatever you read about beaches, the beaches that make anxiety, depression, the whole lot go away. It's quite magical how a big natural ocean of water and sand made of decomposed rocks was so relaxing. I couldn't tell why but something was pulling me in to the small beach deck that was on the water. I trusted my instincts and strolled over there.

Luckily, there was nobody there, leaving me to myself which wasn't necessarily good, but it was better than being surrounded by strangers who couldn't give less of a fuck what you think and focus on your looks. There were tables and chairs in the corner but I just laid in the middle of the wooden floor. I stared at the thatched ceiling with my hands behind me head as I closed my eyes. More looks came my way, I could sense it without even looking back at them. Right now, it felt like it was just myself against the world, no other people existed. Before I knew it, I fell asleep for the first proper time in a the last 48 hours.


I was surprised when my wallet and phone were still in my pocket after I woke up, considering this was LA. I checked if all of my money was there when I stumbled on a picture of Jamia and I inside. I was giving her a piggy back. That day we rented a photographer just for the fun of it and took some cute pictures. I took it out, feeling anger, sadness and heartbreak.

I heard the picture rip when my fingers grabbed the corners and pulled them in two separate ways. My misery had shrunk a bit but the hole in my heart still wasn't filled. I threw the half with Jamia on it into the ocean, with full force.

"FUCK YOU AND YOUR LOVE", I shouted at the sky, not caring about the people around me. I scrunched the other half of the picture and held it in my fist, putting my hands in my pockets, my hood up and walked away from the beach before anyone could report me for disturbance.

I felt really bad ass as I walked back to the hotel but somehow still numb from the emptiness. When I walked into the reception, Gerard was talking with another family, probably about their stay. I felt a bit jealous, it was only me and Jamia there for the past few days and now two other families are trying to take his attention from my grip.

I lowered my head and stared at my shoes as I walked to my room. I felt Gerard stare at me as my feet reached the stairs. Right now, he was my only "friend" if oh could call him that. There was no way I would call Ray a "friend" after all of the creepy precautions about staying here he told Jamia and I. Now I realize that since Jamia left, it really did feel like someone killed me. Like someone stuck a knife straight into my heart.

I was already at my room by the time I realized how much I overthink about everything. I should really just get over Jamia and start a new life. The idea of doing that just felt so wrong, so for now I'll choose to drown in my misery. I opened the door. The room was empty and abandoned. It was just my things scattered everywhere. I walked around, hands folded as I inspected the room, not having a specific thing to look for. It was just my clothes and other belongings all over the floor and bed.

That's when I noticed it.

There was a big red stain on the floor.

It looked really fresh. Obviously, not that I know anything about red stains but it could've been blood. It was a very bright and vibrant red. It must've been fresh, maybe about a few days old.

I tried not to jump to conclusions.

Maybe Jamia was on her period?

Nah, I fucked her and there was no blood.

I started getting a bit freaked out. I looked under my bed for reassurance that I was safe but it only made matters worse.

Under my bed the whole floor was covered in a big spot of red, blood, I figured. It looked scrubbed, as if someone was trying to get it off before anyone noticed.

Now I definitely know it wasn't Jamia.

But was it her blood? I dont know. It could be possible, and I was thinking of the worse.

Well then, this chapter is a bit of a short one, I need to step up my game! Anyways, what do you guys think happened to Jamia after this chapter?

Comment and vote! I really like to read the comments you guys leave!

XoxoDWS :)

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