Chapter 3

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The day wasn't very exciting. It was just me and Mia talking about our future. We were still quite jet lagged and tired from the flight, especially me, after my early walks.

The scene with the tree kept replaying in my head. Gerard, his greasy hair glowing in the rising sun, his glass-like hazel eyes, everything about him was just breathtaking.

Enough about him anyways.

I was planning on popping the quetion with Jamia tomorrow. I'm going to be taking her to a very posh (and expensive) restaurant. It's why I brought a suit with me. I really hope she says yes.

If she declines the offer, I wouldn't really be surprised. Who would want a guy like me anyways?

We went to sleep once again in the hexagonal room. It looked eerie at night and it gave me goosebumps. The name of the hotel isn't much better, "Bella Muerte". It does sound really rad, though.

I decided to have another walk somewhere again this time.

I hope Gerard joins.

I mean, what?

No, I hope he doesn't join.

He was asleep in the same position as the day before, the hotel lobby as clean as ever. I opened the door, holding the bell once more.

I took a different route this time, my feet taking me in the opposite direction. There was a beach near by, it should look nice at this time of day, I thought,so I went there.

I was indeed correct. The sun was beginning to rise, painting the sky a pink and orange color, with hints of purples and yellows. It was quite a sight.

I imagined taking Jamia here, watching her in the water or in the sand, a smile plastered on her pretty face, the sound of seagulls in the background as well as the quiet movement of the waves. I imagined the feeling of sand in between my toes. It was a great image, hopefully soon to be a memory.

The town was very quiet at 2am, everyone probably deep in sleep, like they should be. But of course, I have to be the one who stands out and decides to take walks on a beach, alone, with my future fiancée sleeping in the bed in a hotel with a sketchy but gorgeous hotel owner.


I strolled back to my temporary home, hands in the pockets of my black jeans, my hood up and an unlit cigarette in between my lips.

I promised to stop smoking for Mia. I wasn't going to smoke the cigarette. Sometimes I just have to have the nicotine in between my lips to tell me I'm not alone. The unlit cigarette is a way of telling me that the cigarettes are here, right under my nose but I don't need them.

I hadn't smoked in two weeks. It gets harder each day but I'm making it slowly and painfully. Anything is worth for Jamia.

I observed that Gerard was in the same position as he was when I was leaving. I didn't focus on him for too long before I climbed into bed with Jamia and tried to fall asleep, succeeding after a short amount of time.


I felt warm lips on mine when I opened my eyes. I saw Jamia's pretty face in front of mine as she gave me an Eskimo kiss.

"G'morning", I mumbled, stretching my arms out wide.

She giggled and got off the bed. She was already fully dressed with her hair down with a little braid secured to the back of her head with bobby pins. It was rather pretty. She was wearing a black crop top and a grey skater skirt with her favourite ankle boots which she always wears. Over it all she had a black leather jacket which I got her for Christmas last year.

I decided to delay the proposal and ring the restaurant to rebook it for tomorrow. I decided to bring her to the beach today, like I imagined earlier.

It was a sunny day in LA and the beach was looking amazing. There weren't too many people around since it was a weekday, only about 25 people showed up around the sand covered ground which stretched for at least two kilometers. It wasn't the biggest beach but it was still breathtaking.

We didn't have swim wear so we decided to just wear shorts (or a skirt in Jamia's case because she protested by saying the skirt was "too cute" to be changed) and dip our feet in the warm water.

We walked there since a car was no use because the beach was only about ten minutes by foot. We rented some things in a little corner store nearby and headed towards the destination.

We finally got there and it looked amazing, even though it was so much more gorgeous in the night time. I decided not to tell Jamia my opinion since she doesn't know about my little walks yet. She doesn't know Gerard like I do either, she only ever greets him when we walk in and out of the hotel.

She also doesn't know what Bella Muerte means and I want to keep it that way.


After a long day, we went back to the hotel and called room service to get us some food.

By room service I mean Ray of course.

We had Mac and Cheese and brownies for desert. The food was surprisingly rather fresh and not like I expected it to be at all.

We finished eating and I asked Jamia if she wanted to go to the cinema.

"I don't know, Frankie, I'm really tired", she said and with great timing, she yawned.

"Oh, okay", I answered, yawning shortly afterwards too. We were siting on the floor when I grabbed her by the waist and starting kissing her neck. She threw her head back. Before I could go any further, there was a knock on the door.

I groaned and got off of Jamia, offering her a sorry glance.

I walked to the door to see Ray there, looking quite terrified.

I opened the door a bit wider, beckoning for him to enter but he just shook his head.

"You need to get out, get out before its too late!", he whispered before running off downstairs and out of the hotel.

I shrugged and closed the door, turning back to Jamia and smirking as I walked closer.

Stopping this right here! This wasn't a very eventful chapter but hopefully the next one will make up for it! I have quite a plan for this story and I'm really excited so stay tuned!- DWS xoxo

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