05| They're But Marionettes

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Like I had predicted, I had to spend a second night outside

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Like I had predicted, I had to spend a second night outside. The Petalburg Woods treeline became an impromptu campsite again, the only non-saltwater I could find was a small pond I hoped wasn't contaminated, and when I couldn't bear my hunger any longer I ended up eating possibly unripe Oran Berries that left me feeling nauseous for hours on end afterwards.

   It wasn't exactly too shocking that all of that happened considering I had no experience with camping or anything of the sort. But through all of that, I somehow managed to keep myself convinced that things would get better once I got to Petalburg.

The sun had just reached the midday mark on day two when I stopped for a quick rest. I had been walking all morning and the lack of not really eating or drinking anything in the past two days was taking its toll on me. I found a relatively clean—was it even possible to describe something outside in that way?—rock to sit on and did just that. This gave me a lot of time to think about all of the reprehensible choices I'd made recently... Joy.

What are you thinking? Meteor asked innocently. I had returned him to his ball a while ago since he was on the verge of driving me crazy with him pointing out every new thing he saw out here. Too bad it didn't stop him from talking altogether.

"I don't know, find out for yourself. I'm a regular open book," I sighed, not really in the mood to deal with any more of his comments.

Well, let's see... Meteor said slowly. I've been trying to further my skills when it comes to mind reading lately, and I've managed to start looking through memories. So when you say you're an open book, you pretty much are at this point.

Okay, that scared me. Forget reading my normal thoughts, reading my memories was on a whole different level. Most of my memories were stashed away in the back of my mind for a reason, and the last thing I needed was for some overly confident Psychic-type to start digging them up like some crazed miner.

Wow, I didn't know you used to talk to your rock collection. Meteor sounded surprised.

"Get out of my head. Now!" I demanded. That was what I was talking about. Being reminded that I used to talk to rocks was yet another factor that cemented me as a nut-job in the making. Added on was the whole, "Dad knows best" complex I had plus a whole laundry list of other "quirks."

Aww, there's so many things to look through, though. You're basically a library!

"Now!" I repeated, both aloud and in my mind. When I was sure that Meteor's presence had left the depths of my mind, I decided that my rest, albeit short, was over. I was sure I would be fine. Petalburg couldn't have been too far from where I was anyways!

Route 104's path briefly cut into a section of trees, a continuation of the forest that was Petalburg's namesake. Again I was plunged into the recesses of the shade and natural ambiance the forest created.

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