33| Hoenn's Champion

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On the echoes of Faye's words, I sent my first Poké Ball flying

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On the echoes of Faye's words, I sent my first Poké Ball flying. It spun through the air in a graceful arc, the motion detected by the sensors within causing it to release the creature it contained. Where I would have sent out Orbit first to scope out initial moveset patterns and set up Light Screen, the memory of Belle's Synchronoise kept that plan at bay. Instead, Maverick was the one to stretch her wings.

   "Challenger always gets the first move," Faye stated in a singsong fashion.

   I nodded. "Maverick, let's start this with an Agility!" Maverick raised her Speed, her feathers twitching in anticipation of her chance to attack.

   "Belle, set up a Light Screen!" A familiar pink-tinted sheet of energy was raised along the center of the arena.

   From that I could glean what Faye might do next. Belle's purpose was most likely to set up status buffs. If she had Light Screen, she'd probably have Reflect, perhaps even something like Calm Mind to keep her on the field longer. "Maverick, use Night Slash!" My Skarmory flung her wings up, dark energy cloaking them. She shot off across the arena, eyes locked on the tiny Psychic-type ahead of her.

   "Belle, Light Screen!" Faye commanded. Belle was hit by Maverick, both ends of her long body folding over the Steel bird's wing with a snap as the move made contact. The Chimecho slid off Maverick's wing, hitting the ground as the light that triggered Light Screen flashed brightly. The psychic shield wasn't activated in time to possibly save Belle, and she fainted. One Pokémon down, five to go.

   A pink rabbit-like Pokémon with large blue eyes was the second of Faye's team. I recognized it as Guilda, Faye's Wigglytuff. From the Special Attack and Defense training I got from Faye, I knew Guilda knew Flamethrower, so I swapped Maverick out for Orbit. I needed to set up Light Screen anyways. The wall of light was erected and Guilda responded with Sunny Day.

   Expecting Guilda to use Flamethrower next I commanded, "Orbit, use Earth Power!" The ground beneath Guilda erupted, jagged shards of stone stabbing into her and throwing her skywards.

   "Guilda, Flamethrower!" As the Wigglytuff pin-wheeled through the air, flames rushed from her mouth, turning her into a wild ball of flame that rained red-hot embers down onto Orbit. She then landed, rolling forwards to a stop.

   "Orbit, use Hyper Beam!" They unleased a pulverizing beam of pure, white light that blasted Guilda across the arena. Faye had to jump to the side as her Pokémon was thrown past her, where the Fairy-type collided with the far wall. Guilda collapsed, and a short tan and black Pokémon with a gnarled-toothed maw attached to the back of its head made its appearance.

   "Missy, don't waste any time and use Solar Beam!" The mouth on the back of Missy's head opened widely, a green-white light gathering within it. The glowing particles created by Guilda's Sunny Day were sucked into Missy's oversized jaw, rapidly providing the charging attack with fuel. Orbit couldn't move due to Hyper Beam draining their energy for a turn, and they were forced to endure the full force of Solar Beam. The Light Screen Orbit had set up wasn't enough and they fainted, spinning out like a top and hitting the cracked floor.

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