25| Transcending Power

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I stood before the Communicator, a slip of slightly crumpled paper in hand

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I stood before the Communicator, a slip of slightly crumpled paper in hand. The paper was printed with a set of numbers—Arietta's personal number. I clearly recalled her saying to call her once Meteor evolved, and I wanted nothing more than to learn the purpose of the gray stone I've had with me all this time and what it had to do with my stickpin.

   Arceus-dammit, Steven! Make the freaking call! Meteor exclaimed loudly, almost making me jump out of my skin.

   I am, you have no need to rush me, I said. Glancing at the number one last time, I punched in the numbers on the keypad.

   Words on the device's screen reading that a number had been entered lasted for a quick moment and were replaced with a loading icon, a dull-toned ring echoing from it every three seconds.

   Two rings

   Is... she going to answer?

   Four rings.

   With every bland tone I grew more impatient and discouraged.

   Six rings.

   She won't answer, will she?

   Eight rings, and my heart had fully sunken. No, she won't. As I reached out to cancel the call by the tenth ring, the screen's image changed to one of a blue-eyed girl I definitely recognized.

   "Um, who is this?" She looked confused, her eyes narrowed.

   "Arietta!" I sighed in relief. "It's me, Steven. Do you remember that you gave me your number a while ago?"

   "Of course I remember! How could I forget?" Her face lit up and she smiled. "It's been a while, hasn't it? So what's going on? Do you need something?"

   "As a matter of fact, I do. You told me to contact you when Meteor evolved. And, well, he's now a Metagross," I said, letting some pride seep into my voice. I wouldn't have lied if someone asked if I was proud of my partner's evolution.

   "Really? That's great! And I'm guessing you want that information I promised you, huh?"

   "It would be very much appreciated," I replied.

   "You're lucky to have caught me while I wasn't busy. Tell me where you are right now," she said. I told her, and she glanced at a watch she was wearing. "Okay! Give me forty-five minutes tops, and I'll be there. I need to pick up something first. A flight from Lilycove to Fortree is a breeze when Stella uses Dragon Dance a few times," Arietta explained, giggling. "Wait for me out on Route 120. See ya then!" The call then ended.

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