42| The Puppeteer's Last Show

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I didn't really know what to expect from Valerie

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I didn't really know what to expect from Valerie. I knew I shouldn't have made assumptions, but based on the three Pokémon of hers I'd seen, I figured the rest were strong, intimidating beasts. I fully didn't expect a Crawdaunt of all things. The crustacean that was the first to appear obviously had Water as its typing. I thought it would be best to stick with Maverick despite Vinya's advantage with Energy Ball, just in case.

I began with the obvious when it came to using Maverick. "Maverick, start with Agility!"

"Imbecile," Valerie scoffed. "Crawdaunt, Crabhammer!" The crab's pincers split open simultaneously, water gushing from between the separated appendages to surround them. It sprang at Maverick with a speed that shocked me, swinging its claws wildly.

My Skarmory innately knew to dodge and did so, following up with a Steel Wing that I was then able to call out. Crawdaunt was impacted heavily, tumbling across the ground in a way that should have left it stunned. But it sprung back up like it had been merely brushed by the attack.

"Use Air Slash!" I said next. In a blur of silver Maverick shot towards Crawdaunt. It jumped backwards, mostly avoiding the Flying attack.

"Crabhammer!" Crawdaunt violently swiped at Maverick with a water-cloaked pincer. It caught her in the chest but she was able to recover from it quickly only to be faced with another ferocious Crabhammer.

"Try Steel Wing!" I then ordered.

"Annoying bird... Bring it down!" Valerie stated. I was surprised that she hadn't called out a move until Crawdaunt carried out its order. It ducked down, scuttling to the side and out of the way of Maverick's attack.

As it did so its pincers shot out, one latching onto Maverick's wing while the other snatched at her leg. Crawdaunt let the Skarmory's momentum spin it around in circles for a moment before throwing its body in the opposite direction, slamming Maverick to the ground.

"Now Brick Break," Valerie said. Crawdaunt held its claws together and raised them above its head, ready to smash them into Maverick's.

Alarm shot through me. "Night Slash!" I countered. Maverick dug one foot into the dirt, spinning her body around and slashing upwards with her other. The Crawdaunt was scratched across its chest as it leapt back, the pain caused by the move again ineffective enough to warrant recoil. Why wasn't it taking damage, or at least acting like it was?

"Brick Break again!"

Reluctantly accepting that I had to be as savage as Valerie to make an impact on her Pokémon, I called out my next move. "Air Slash, talons first!" Maverick sprung up, rushing at Crawdaunt.

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