Chapter One

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Chapter 1 

Sherlock's POV

I was sitting in the school cafeteria with John, eating breakfast. He was eating eggs on toast while I nibbled on a strawberry. We had gotten to know each other properly over the first few ‘free’ days we had before school properly started. I guess we were almost… Friends.

“You need to eat more than that, Sherlock,” John told me, giving me a disapproving look.

“I’m fine with this, thank you, John,” I replied, giving him a cheeky fake smile.

John rolled his eyes at me, and kicked me under the table. “So…” John began, forgetting the issue.

I knew where this was going.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” He asked nervously.

“Girlfriend? No. Not really my area.” I moved my attention elsewhere, and saw Gregory Lestrade, the school’s rugby team captain come towards us.

“Alright…” John said, thinking it over. “Do you have… a boyfriend? Which is fine, by the way.”

“I know it’s fine,” I told him, looking up into his eyes.

“So you have a boyfriend then?”


“Right. Okay. You’re unattached like me. Fine. Good.”

“John, erm, I think you should know that I consider myself married to my work and while I am flattered by your interest I’m-“

“No,” John interrupted.

“-I’m really not looking for anything-“

“No, I’m not… Asking… No. I’m just saying, it’s all… Fine.”

“Good. Thank you.”

Thankfully anymore awkward moments were put off as Lestrade got to our table. “Hey, are you John Watson?” He asked John.

“Yeah, that’s me,” John replied, looking up at the slightly older boy.

“Hey Sherlock,” Greg quickly said to me, to which I nodded my greeting.

I looked Greg over as he spoke to John about rugby details (which of course I found to be awfully dull) and noted everything about him. Lestrade had black hair, warm brown eyes, and tanned skin. He was tall and muscular, and, like everyone else, including John and I, he wore the school uniform, the white long-sleeved shirt and the grey trousers with the white socks and black shoes.

There was a light brown hair on his white shirt, one that was probably wasn’t noticeable to an untrained eye, but of course it was noticeable to me. There were no females at our school with hair quite like that, none which were quite that short and of that shade. I gasped in realization.

John and Lestrade both turned to me, but I shrugged it off like it was nothing.

The bell rang for our first lessons, and John and I got up, swinging our bags over our shoulders.

“I’ll see you later, Greg!” John said to Lestrade as we began to walk out.

As I walked past Lestrade, I leaned in close. “Tell Mycroft I said hello,” I whispered in his ear with a smirk, before following John out of the cafeteria.

“What do you have now?” John asked me as we walked along the crowded corridors.

“English, you’re in my class, idiot.”

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