Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

Sherlock’s POV

I woke up to find my arms wrapped around my love, John Watson, the star rugby player. John stirred, but didn’t wake, instead he snuggled closer into my chest. I smiled a genuine smile, and hugged him tighter.

It was Sunday, and we had a free day. Sun shone brightly through the window, and birds chirped in the trees outside. My arm that rested under John’s body was numb and tingling, but I didn’t care. As long as he was comfortable, that was all that mattered to me.

If John hadn’t been in my arms at the moment, I would have seriously questioned the events of the night before. Kissing John was surreal. His lips were so sweet and soft against mine, and he made me feel warm inside.

I knew I would spend the rest of my life with John, if he’d have me. John stirred and slowly his eyes fluttered open. “Good morning,” he whispered with a smile as his eyes met mine.

“Good morning,” I replied, kissing him on the forehead gently.

“What are we going to do today?”

“Shall we go get some breakfast and then go out?”

“Okay,” John said, slowly getting off me, allowing me to wriggle my arms about.

We both got dressed, John got into a pair of jeans, a light blue shirt with a white woollen jumper over top, and I got into slacks and a purple shirt.

“Shall we go?” I asked John, smirking when I saw him staring at my torso.

John nodded and dragged his eyes away from my torso up to meet my eyes.

I smiled and led my boyfriend out to the cafeteria.

We grabbed some food and then went and sat down at a table. “So where are we going?” John asked me as we began to eat.

“We’re going to Mycroft’s house, to visit him and Lestrade. Make sure everything is… Okay,” I replied, a smirk playing at my lips.

“You know something I don’t know,” John stated with a tight smile.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. You’ll find out soon enough."

When we finished our food, we went to the roadside and hailed a cab. I gave the cabbie Mycroft’s address, and soon we were off to his house.

“Is Mr. Holmes going to be alright with us going over?”

“He’ll have to be. We’ll say we’re visiting Lestrade, and not him.”

John chuckled, his shoulders lifting in the way they did when he laughed. I couldn’t help but smile as I saw him laugh, so full of happiness. “We are so bad.”

We pulled up outside Mycroft’s house, and I paid the cabbie and John and I got out. I went up to the door and knocked on the knocker, stepping back with John by my side. The door opened, and Mycroft stood there, in jeans and a tight fitting t-shirt.

Mycroft sighed when he saw us, mumbling a quick “thought so,” before stepping out of the way to let us through. “What are you doing here, Sherlock?” Mycroft asked.

I walked around the room, my hands behind my back, and I pretended to inspect the things in there. “Oh, John wanted to come visit Lestrade, so I thought I’d bring him over.” I turned back to Mycroft and gave him a smile. He knew full well what I was doing. “Where is he, by the way?”

“He’s in the shower, actually,” Mycroft said, looking between both John and I, his face remaining expressionless.

I hummed in mock thought. “That’s funny, because you appear to have just stepped out of the shower yourself.”

The Thrill of the Chase (Johnlock/Mystrade Teen!Lock)Where stories live. Discover now