Chapter 12

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3:00 - Private Session

"Welcome Katniss Everdeen, I'm Plutarch Heavensbee. I'm here to assess how we'll you can use the weapon of your choice." Says Plutarch Heavensbee.

I go straight to the archery station and find a bow similar to the one I have at home. I see Plutarch press a button twice and two holographic soldiers appear. One holding a spear and the other with throwing knifes.

What are they supposed to do? walk through me? God this is so stupid. Just then the soldier with the throwing knifes throws one in my direction. I do not anticipate it and it pierces me in the leg. It goes fades just as it touches me but causes a small pinching sensation.

I quickly load my bow and get the knife thrower in the heart. The holograph quickly fades away. I turn to the spear thrower and I hit the floor, just as a spear goes over my head. I get on one knee and shoot at the spear thrower. It anticipates my shot and easily doges it. It goes to throw another spear and I take the opportunity to shoot. I get it in the head.

I see Plutarch Press the button three times. Im ready for it this time. Bring it. This time they have a spear, sword and bow. I get the spear thrower right away. In the leg, then the chest. One down, two to go. The archer shoot but misses,while it's reloading I get it. One left. The swords men. He tries to come closer but it kept distance. I can't lose distance between us. I shoot but miss. Damn it. While he was dodging I see a chance. I shoot. It goes through the holograph's head.

"Very good Miss Everdeen. Nicely done. I see you fit to carry a Bow in battle. Congratulations," Says Plutarch.

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