Chapter 3

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Finally everything was done with our 'tour' stuff and I was ready to leave. I was horridly tired and I was going to get some bloody sleep. I walked out to the elevator because I may have a fear but I don't want to take thirty flights of stairs again. I walked up might as well get a break on the way down. The elevator doors opened and I started to get nervous. Should I take the stairs again? NO! Calm down Moppy.. We can do this. I was about to step in but freaked and pulled back out. Not only would I be facing my fear, but I'd be doing this alone. What if I got stuck? Would they find me? What if the power went out? When would it go on again? What if the cable things holding it up snapped? Would I fall to my death? Would there be an escape plan? Come on Moe..We can do this. I got in the elevator and right as it was about to close and my fears got higher, I heard someone yell wait.

I pushed the open door button and pulled whoever in quickly. I looked up and saw Liam staring at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Miss me that much?" He said laughing a bit.

"Not at all." I scoffed pushing away shaking a bit from being in an elevator. "I'm just...scared a bit."

"Why? Scared to be this close to a famous, hot, super-star?" He said.

"As if. I have a fear of elevators."

"Really? OH NO WE ARE STUCK!" He yelled dramatically. I just slapped the back of his head..playfully don't worry! I can't ruin his 'precious' hair. -Wink Wink-

"Ow..What was that for?" Liam asked in a fake hurt voice.

"I felt like it!" I said back sticking my tongue out at him playfully.

"No seriously though, Why are you scared of elevators?"

"Eh..To much videos. And I am scared of getting stuck."

"Okay...Well we have four more floors to go and we are going pretty slow so..twenty questions?" He questioned.

"Sure. You first."

"Why do you hate us?"

"I-I don't hate you guys. I just feel that you guys are still people and shouldn't be treated any differently and defiantly not any better. Sorry. I like your guys' music and you guys have good looks yeah. No doubting why girls like you." I said not even the tinniest bit of embarrassment.

"Thank god! I wouldn't want to go on tour with a bloody fan girl!"

"HEY! I never said I wasn't a fan."

"But  you never said you were either."

"touché. What is yo-" Ding the elevator dung letting us know we are at our stop. But the doors wouldn't open. I started freaking a little.

"It's okay, calm down. It may just stall for a bit."

"Yeah..Maybe that's it." I whispered to myself sliding down the wall.

Tell Me A Lie (One Direction) (By @NeverTheCoolKid MY BEST FRIEND )Where stories live. Discover now