Chapter 9

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UGH! My legs have officially died an hour ago. We had to start the tour on a totally different place!? We have been in this bloody bus for over four hours. We've only stopped twice, for food and for a walk. Everyone, but me and Niall, are sleeping. Niall says he can't sleep because the noises on the bus and I just can't sleep period. I even put my headphones in and still, nothing! It was horrible, I feel bad for the driver of this bloody bus. Apparently, we still have four in a half hours left on this rolling turd.

"Ugh!" I said standing up heading to the back.

"Are you okay?" Niall asked me following me.

"I'm am going delusional on this bloody thing!" I said frustrated,

"Well, are you sure you weren't delusional before?" He asked chuckling a bit.

"Don't laugh at me! You guys are used to it, even Chappy is used to it! I lived in the same place for 16 years! The other year in a half was in an adoption home so I don't move often. Chapen's traveled her whole life. So shut up before I push you off the bloody bus." He just looked at me for a moment then started laughing again.

"What is so freaking funny?!" I yelled but not to loud to wake everyone up. Hey, I am considerate. Some what...

"You." He stated simply walking back to his chair. That jerk..He could at least help me stay entertained so I don't go insane. I walked to the back to get my phone but I realized that they were all sleeping back there. I could get it later or quietly go in and get it.. I'll go with getting it. I tip-toed into the room and saw Louis and Chapen snuggling on his little bed thing and everyone else in there own. I jumped onto my bunk and sat there with my phone.

2 missed calls

5 new text messages

2 new voice-mails.

I'll check them later. I laid down and tried to sleep again but still, no luck. I just laid there tossing and turning. It just wasn't easy for me. I'm not the kind of person that can sleep in moving things. I sat back up and grabbed Liam's little game boy thing and started playing. Man, I sucked! I tried again and again but couldn't win and it just got me even more frustrated, so I put that back to. I saw a book on Liam's desk and grabbed it. I started reading it and the further I got in, the more interesting it got. Did I tell you I have a major obsession with books? No? Well, I do and I could finish four books in a day. I just love leaving reality and entering my own little world with me and the characters. I love how you can see what the writer see's and what the Author thinks. The way they tell the story. The way I see it, there's never a bad book, just a reader that doesn't understand it's wisdom. I don't know about you guys, but I love a good book with some tea, books are always so much better then the movies. Books are..beautiful I guess. That would probably be an understatement though. I was so engrossed with his book, I didn't notice that he'd gotten up.

"Like my book?" He said, his voice still husky from sleeping. I jumped a bit but nodded.

"It's interesting." I said smiling.

"I didn't know you liked books." Liam stated with a small smile.

"Yeah, I just adore them I guess."

"Well, what's your favorite book?"

"Hmm, that's a hard one..Probably.. I don't know it might sound weird but probably to To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee or The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Got to love a Classic right?" I said smiling still. "I really love reading."

"I can tell by the smile on your face. What chapter are you on?"

"Chapter 17."

"Wow..your fast.." He said laughing.

"What can I say. Hey, you want to play a game?"

"What game?"

"Wake the boys up?" I said smiling an evil smile. He smiled and nodded.

"Okay, so here's the plan."


I love reading for real though:) Those two books I have read about 4 times each. I know someone that can read four books a day or even more and I can read 4 books a day. Thanks for reading. Plan revealed in next chapter also FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER I FOLLOW BACK! ;)

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