Chapter 15

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I couldn't believe that I'd agree'd to sing on stage with the boys live! What am I supposed to sing?! Stupid Liam and his idea's, they always are fun I have to admit, but somehow, something goes wrong. Like our date and the cop.. Well, who cares. I already told him I will go to the concert and sing with them.

I walked into the bathroom on the bus and saw the boys' clothes, Zayn's hair stuff, Niall's..wrappers? That boy always eats. Nothing can separate them two I swear. I went back to getting ready and did my hair. I don't get why we have a bath on the tour bus, where do we get the water from?! That is the one of the only things that confuse me on this bus. I usually wait 'til we get to a hotel or one of our houses to take showers unless we are driving for more then one-two days.

I hate this rolling turd already. I wish we could stop more often but to get to where we need to go, we have to keep driving. Speaking of driving..I was supposed to take my final test to get my license. I have my permit, but no car and no license. So I guess it doesn't really matter but I wanted my license before my car. It'd be Liam, Harry, and I, the only ones that would have licenses but nope..I won this and I am sticking to this! I'll get my license when this is over in six months. 

I grabbed my Mick shirt and my black ripped skinny jeans and put them on. I was done with my hair and clothes so I'll I had to do now was my makeup, I figured I am not going to do my makeup seeing as we are going to be driving and probably won't go anywhere for a while. I walked back to my room and put my sweats and my tee shirt away and got my shoes. I only have like, four pairs of shoes, my blue and black converse, my neon orange vans, my black toms, and my silver Nike's, thanks to Harry for getting me them for my birthday. It was a pretty cool birthday, I got all my presents the day after though 'cause we were all busy and on a tour bus. Finally when we got off, we, Harry, Louis, Niall, and I, all went to a nearby mall. All the others wanted to stay or had already gotten me presents or had already went shopping.

"Zayn, what are the plans today?" I asked slouching on the couch next to him.

"Uh, I really don't know to be quite honest." He said thinking a bit.

"Don't think to hard, you might hurt yourself." I said in a teasing tone, smirking when he playfully nudged me.

"HEY GUYS! SO I WAS THINKING-" Louis said screaming running in.

"That's never good." I muttered.

"Hey..I heard that." He said glaring at me.

"That's 'cause I said it out-loud.." I said winking at him getting up.

"Well anyways, like I was saying before I was rudely," He said glaring playfully at me again. "interrupted, We should stop at the beach coming up, I really want to go make sand castles."

"No, you just want to see girls in bikini's. " I said laughing at his shocked, fake shocked, face.

"Never!" He said gasping as Zayn and I started laughing.

"Anyways, talk to the driver, I am in. Where are the boys and Chappy? I need to ask them a question." I stated yawning.

"No, you want to ask Liam a question." He said in a mocking tone.

"Ha, sure. But anyways, where are they?" I said chuckling.

"Uh..Every-ones sleeping I think..Except Liam..I have no clue where he is or Niall..He can never fall asleep on a bus. So...LET'S HUNT THEM!"

"It's not going to be hard. It's a small bus..Fine..Get your weapons."

"I CALL THE SPOON!" Louis yelled jumping off the couch.

I eventually found Niall hiding in the bathtub for some odd reason that he won't tell me. I just nodded not asking any questions, honestly, I don't want to know what is going on in his mind. Apparently Louis and Zayn are having a hard time finding Liam because they are still looking. I had already found him in our room. In my bed.  I just went and sat back down on the couch with my new book, The Hunger Games, that I also got for my birthday. It is an amazing book! It's an amazing book written by an amazing author.

"OW!" I heard Liam yell then scream. "GET THAT SPOON AWAY FROM ME!"


"No! I FOUND HIM!" Louis and Zayn fought back and fourth. I walked in there grabbing Liam off the floor.

"Nope, I found him." I said silently walking out of the room with Liam behind me following closely.

Tell Me A Lie (One Direction) (By @NeverTheCoolKid MY BEST FRIEND )Where stories live. Discover now