Chapter Seven: The Morning After..

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The bright morning sun streamed through the slit in the curtains and caused Shadow's brow to furrow, a slight low growl escaping his mouth as his upper lip curled in disgust at the rude awakening. With his consciousness now stirred he became aware of the slight weight pressing on his chest that came with the sound of soft purring. His bright red eyes opened before squinting, his head turning away from the line of light. His sleepy gaze settling on the weight, finding that the sleeping form of Sonic was cuddled up next to him. His cobalt head resting on his chest with his black nose and the fingers of one gloved hand entangled in the long white fur there. It was in this moment of realisation that Shadow noticed that his older-looking blue counterpart also had his right shoulder pinned to the bed, this wouldn't be a huge issue if his bladder was not in desperate need of relief.

"Hedgehog.." The black and red hedgehog murmured softly into the cobalt pointed ear near his lips and it twitched and flicked. Shadow gave a quiet sigh and gently prodded Sonic with the hand that was trapped, trying again to rouse him. "Sonic.." The deep timbre of his voice remained gentle and soothing, the prod finally gaining a soft moan of response.

"Hrrm.." Sonic's head finally moved, unintentionally nuzzling Shadow's white fluffy chest sluggishly. Even with this minuscule amount of movement Shadow could tell he was hungover but that did not help his current situation.

"Wake up, idiot. I need you to move.." Shadow added tersely, losing patience due to his almost painful bladder, he needed to get up now if he was going to make it to the toilet before his bladder unleashed its contents.

"Huh? Wha-?" Sonic grumbled sleepily, his emerald eyes peeling open slowly before he suddenly realised he had been sleeping on Shadow. "Oh-my-gosh! S-Shad, I am so sorry.." The moment Sonic scooted back with an abashed look the younger-looking black and red striped hedgehog threw back his part of the covers and made a mad dash for the en-suite bathroom. The door remained open meaning that his older-looking blue counterpart could hear Shadow's gasp of relief as he made it to the toilet on time. This did not interest Sonic in the slightest as his head rested back down onto his own pillow and he growled at the horrible hangover thumping in his head. His brow furrowed as he shut his eyes, trying to ignore his head and the churning of his upset stomach..

"This is why I don't drink.." Sonic groaned clutching the sides of his pillow and covering his face with it, just wishing to hide away from the entire world.

"Hmh, I don't recall forcing you. In fact you seemed quite intoxicated by the time you found me.." The deep, calming and collected tone of Shadow's voice sounded as the edge of the bed sunk with his weight. Sonic turned his weary head, remaining laid on his pillow and gazing through narrowed eyes at his younger-looking black and red counterpart with a pained expression. Shadow was merely seated on the edge of the bed with a new glass of water that he had brought back from the bathroom with him.

"Urgh, yeh... Knuckles and Tails were calling me a lightweight.." The older-looking blue hedgehog murmured in a low tone, trying not to aggravate his pounding headache further.

"Really?" Shadow muttered in a quiet voice which suggested that he was not surprised before quirking his red eye-ridges upwards adding, "And you felt the need to prove them wrong, I presume.."

"Yeh, you know me Shad, I never could resist a challenge." Sonic then grumbled as he struggled to sit up, reaching out and taking the glass of water from Shadow. "Not one of my best qualities I know.." He then took a long drink to wet his dry mouth.

"We all have flaws Hedgehog, even me. If that isn't too hard to believe.." The black hedgehog with red stripes replied lightly as he was perched with enviable ease and grace while still looking annoyingly good with a head of mussed up bed quills. Despite his hangover the forty year old blue hedgehog smiled, though looking more haggard because of it.

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