Chapter Twenty Nine: Shadow's Birthday Blues..

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..A warm pleasurable feeling seeped through him in gentle waves.. It was a little disconcerting considering he was surrounded by a dreamless state of darkness and the feather light brushes of touch seemed almost disconnected, like he wasn't quite in the same place as his body.. He felt gentle lips delicately nuzzle the fur of his neck, making his incredibly heavy head lull to the side as soft kisses and the sensual flicking of a moist tongue caused another pleasurable wave to sweep over him..

A soft sigh escaped Sonic's peach lips as his blue brow contracted in his sleep.

..The feather light touches of unseen fingers danced and caressed his chest in teasing slow circles, the fuzzy pleasure echoing through his nerves.. These touches made his heartbeat quicken and his body tremble deliciously as they lowered.. hot lips leaving searing kisses that tingled the peach skin of his chest then his belly making him sigh and part his legs.. He had had sex dreams before but they had never been this intensely erotic.. the fingers ruffled the sensitive fur of his inner thighs delightfully although the experience was starting to feel more real than before.. those hands clamped around the backs of his thighs holding his legs in place as that hot mouth continued licking sensually and kissing tenderly down his belly and through the lower fur between his waist.. Warm moist breath hit his already hard member making it throb, his desire heavy and painful making him long for the dreamless darkness to leave.. It really was torment not being able to respond to this erotic wet dream.. The unseen teasing and touching continued for a while until—


A loud blissful cry punctuated the dreamlike darkness making the pleasure intensify and Sonic's green eyes fluttered open before shutting immediately as a mixture of confusion and delight etched his muzzle. Both sets of peach fingers lifted from the bed, moving to the source of his suddenly very real sexual bliss only to become ensnared in a headful of silky but strong quills. His hips twitched as his erect member pulsed inside something delectably warm and wet. A soft gasp escaped Sonic's lips as something slippery snaked over his sensitive tip, rubbing at the slit. His green eyes peeled open just enough to see that his black and red quilled boyfriend was the cause of his pleasure.

"Ah! Hah! Oh yes... huh.." He panted breathlessly as Shadow's lips continued to suck on him, his tongue mercilessly teasing as fingers moved to fondle his balls. Sonic grunted as his quivering body spasmed in delight, he could feel that he was already so close.

Almost as soon as he became aware of how close he was his orgasm erupted forcing the blue hedgehog to jolt upright into a sitting position and seize the quills of his darker counterpart tightly, fixing him in place to receive his load. Sonic cried out Shadow's name loudly as he released, letting go of of his boyfriend and panting heavily in satisfaction, his green eyes narrowing and a lazy smirk twisting his peach muzzle as he flopped back against the bed of Knuckles and Rouge's guest room.

"Chaos.." The worn out blue hedgehog sighed breathless as his younger black and red striped counterpart sat up after choking slightly and forcefully swallowing. Shadow wiped his tanned muzzle with his bare hand before crawling off of his boyfriend to lay beside him smirking somewhat smugly at what he had just done. "That was... incredible." The blue hedgehog blinked still looking blown away.

"Hmh, I aim to please.." Shadow murmured back in a low warm voice. "Just don't tell our friends."

"You know I won't, these moments are ours." A gentle smile of amusement curved Sonic's peach muzzle, his bright green eyes softening before that spark of amusement was back. "Besides, I doubt they would believe you could be this soft."

"Hmm, I dunno. They might. I mean Knuckles has already walked in on us kissing-" The black and red hedgehog responded in a soft voice. These post-coital moments of pillow talk were rare as usually one or both hedgehogs would fall instantly asleep from both exhaustion and contentment but when it did happen they were sacred moments and never squandered. Some of their more serious and meaningful chats happened.

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