Chapter Eight: Something More..

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"Hey, you wanna just hang here with me and watch a movie?" Sonic said as he descended the stairs after placing both suits back inside Shadow's wardrobe along with both of pairs of dress shoes. He could have taken the time to put his own suit and dress shoes in his own wardrobe but since he always had looked for the quickest and easiest options so leaving both in the same wardrobe was obvious by his logic. "Y'know, just us buds, I'll even let you pick the movie we watch.." The middle-aged blue hedgehog added as an incentive before his green eyes caught sight of Shadow by the main door.

"Oh. Perhaps another time Hedgehog." Shadow replied lightly.

"You have to go?" Sonic queried looking surprised, feeling a small dip in his initial good mood. He had just managed to somehow get Shadow to talk and he was planning on running out on him already? Was admitting to having a chink in his cool exterior bothering him that much, or was he just that desperate to get away from him. These thoughts fluttered around Sonic's head like vultures trying to peck away at his new-found confidence and understanding around his counterpart. Why was getting to know this guy so Chaos-dammed hard?

"Yes. I must go visit someone. I have been putting it off to allow you to settle in and I cannot do that any longer." Shadow responded with the edge of a smile. "I will be back soon, I cannot overstay my welcome, they turn violent if I do." He opened the front door with the hand that was not holding onto his motorbike keys.

"Gee, really? They sound awful. Anyone I know?" Sonic shook his head in disbelief at the idea anyone could be that way.

"Hmh, just an old friend.." The black and red striped hedgehog responded raising both brows, his expression then twisting as if he would not reveal more.

"Hey, what happened to Mr I-Have-No-Friends, hmm?" Sonic suddenly shot back with a playful smirk complete with an arched eyebrow.

"I grew up. You should try it sometime." Shadow stated plainly before shutting the front door before his blue counterpart could do more than scowl.

"Shadow, you can't just.." Sonic followed but found himself tailing off as he only caught the final glow of light from his younger-looking counterpart's Chaos Control. The forty year old hedgehog sighed before adding in a low monotone. "Hmh, I guess you can, jerk." He rolled his green eyes then whipped out his cellphone, deciding to ring Tails and see if he was free..

* *. *

"Your late in visiting this time.." The cool observing voice stated, coming from the ageing old human sitting in front of Shadow looking out of the huge window in front of him. The black and red hedgehog stepped closer towards the high-backed armchair until he was stood side by side with it. The teenage-looking hedgehog stood perfectly still with his arms folded across his white chest fur.

"I'm aware Doctor, let's just say that things have been busy and I can only apologise for delaying my visit.." Shadow replied smoothly as his red eyes looked out towards the sea and blue sky that could be seen from the window in front of them.

"Hmph, G.U.N still keeping you on your toes?" The bald head of Doctor Eggman turned. Now he really did bear a striking resemblance towards his grandfather Gerald Robotnik. He had the same facial lines, the same thick black glasses, the same nose and the same long silver bushy moustache. Shadow reasoned that it may be this small link to the creator he once knew that kept him visiting the geriatric scientist beside him. Doctor Eggman had truly been defeated on his and Sonic's last battle, Shadow could still remember it perfectly. Without his help Sonic would have failed. Perhaps he felt guilty for being part of Doctor Eggman's final mental breakdown. Shadow could see the old human's various medication sitting out on a small table near him, apart from having a few robots to assist in taking care of him Doctor Eggman had nothing else, most days the old human sat in his chair and gazed out at the sea. His mind never truly able to get passed his downfall.

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