Chapter Twenty-One: The Truth Will Come Out

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When morning broke it was Sonic who stirred first, his bright green eyes opening a tiny amount before they shut and he stretched with a small grunt, feeling the usual morning stiffness in his back. He immediately rolled over and nuzzled his black nose into the black and red fur of Shadow's head purring softly as one arm wrapped around his middle. A small sleepy smile curved his peach skinned muzzle, a soft purr rolling forth as he cuddled into Shadow taking in his smell and privately thinking that he could very easily get used to mornings like this...

...Life seemed perfect right now.

He lay there for a little while holding the mass of black quills with large red stripes that was his boyfriend as he lay asleep cuddled into his peach chest, his fingers stroking through them languidly. Then just as he was starting to drift back to sleep he felt Shadow begin to stir in his arms, his white gloved fingers flexed as his gave a drowsy groan before his head lifted up.

"Hmm, morning Shad." Sonic murmured in a soft voice immediately planting a kiss onto his cheek as it came into his sight.

"Huh? Oh. Morning.." Shadow replied in a groggy voice before slipping one hand out to cover his sleepy yawn. Beneath the covers Sonic's peach fingers trailed over the soft black fur of his boyfriend's hip in a sensual swirling motion.

"Hmm, last night was incredible.." The blue hedgehog purred keeping his eyes narrowed but looking a little nervous as he knew that it had been his boyfriend's first time. "Was it good for you?"

"If it wasn't you would already know.." Shadow replied with a small smirk playing about his lips.

"Hehe, yeh that's true, you wouldn't be here now.." Sonic chuckled lightly before sighing as his fingers continued to trail aimlessly over his boyfriend. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Kinda sticky.." The black hedgehog said thinking he needed a shower before making breakfast as he could feel Sonic's essence embedded in the fur around his rear and inner thighs after seeping out of his body while he slept. It was a little uncomfortable down there but nothing he couldn't handle.

"Your not sore or anything?" Sonic asked wondering if his lovemaking had been a little too rough for their first time. It had been a long while since he had any kind of sex and he had pretty much lost control of himself in the moment as it felt so good.

"Maybe just a little stiff, I'm a fast healer remember." Shadow gave a little smile at his boyfriend's concern.

"I'll be more gentle next time.." The blue hedgehog crooned back, his eyes narrowing further at the prospect of going again and seeing his black furred boyfriend looking wonderful in the highs of pleasure. The mental image he had pictured in his head now caused his loins to throb afresh with desire. His peach lips leant in and captured those full tan lips in a passionate kiss and Shadow responded, allowing Sonic to press his body against him... At least until he felt a bump prodding into his taut stomach. Immediately Shadow broke the kiss and held himself at arms length from his clearly amorous boyfriend.

"Really? And what makes you think that next time we will be in the same positions.." The black hedgehog suddenly smirked, expecting Sonic to lose his stiffness and recoil as he knew the blue hedgehog had always had an ego and would probably prefer to always be on top. However one cobalt brow shot up and a somewhat nervous boyish smile curved his muzzle.

"All's fair in love, I guess." His green eyes then sparkled with mischief and his smirk twitched playfully. "Why, you think you can bring the fire?" His eyes narrowed and Shadow could swear he felt Sonic's member twitch with excitement at the very thought.

I think I could try.." Shadow replied confidently, his intense red eyes narrowing back as his fingers stroked Sonic's chest, making light circular motions around his pectorals. Sonic immediately leaned forward into the black pointed ear nearest him, breathing heavily so that he felt Shadow quiver a little..

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