Chapter 29.

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Okay, so, I hope you guys still remember who Aaron and Jay are. If you don’t, Aaron is one of the guys in the gang and he basically doesn’t really like Harry. Jay is basically the gang’s ‘boss’ or ‘leader’.


Chapter 29.

“Violet? What the hell happened?”

My eyes were about to close again, but I tried to keep them opened.

“Stay awake.” Blaze’s voice rang through my mind.

“Give her to me.” Harry’s said with a worried voice.

I felt Harry’s arms below my thigh and on my neck. Harry’s chest felt harder than Blaze’s and he felt warmer too. I tried nuzzling my head on Harry’s chest, but making my neck turn made me whimper in pain.

“Doc Walter is on his way here.”

I could feel Harry nodding. Suddenly, I remember something. My mother!

“H- Harry.” I tried talking louder.

“Yes, baby? What is it?” His voice sounds soft.

I could feel him walking around, but I couldn’t see well because my eyes are already partially closed.

“M- My mum. She’s still at home, she n- needs help.” I slightly whimpered.

Harry put me down on something soft and warm, probably his bed.

“Wait here, I’ll tell Blaze.”

Harry left the room and I was left in his room alone. It was really quiet in here, it’s actually relaxing. In a matter of seconds, all my energy was literally drained out of me, my eyes started closing.

-Harry’s POV-


Shit, what the hell happened to Violet? I jogged to the living room to see Blaze on the phone with someone.

“Yeah, just go to her house, her mother’s in there.”

“No, I saw her already, she’s not as bruised up as her daughter.”

“Okay, text me when you’re done.”

Oh, okay, so he already knows.

“You’re sending someone to check on Violet’s mum?”

He nodded and put his head on his hands.

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring. It must be Doc Walter. I walked over to the door and opened it for him. As usual, he was wearing black pants and a black polo shirt.

“Where is she?”

“In my bedroom.”

He nodded and without another word, he rushed into my bedroom, Doc Walters gently opened the door and walked in. I was right behind him, I saw Violet sleeping. Well, at least I think she’s sleeping.

“You boys wait outside, I’ll be done in a few hours.” He nodded and Blaze and I went out of my room.

When it comes to Doc Walter, I trust him; he’s one of the best doctors in our so-called ‘gang’. He’s treated many of us if something had happened. For example, a few months back, someone from the gang got shot in the arm because he was doing a ‘mission’ given by Jay, and Doc Walters treated him until he was all better.
Blaze and I sat down in the living room. I sat on the couch while he sat opposite me, on the sofa.

“Mind telling me what happened?” I asked him.

“I don’t know, man.” He groaned.

“She called me at 1am, she said she was scared and she was crying.” He paused and shook his head.

“She didn’t tell me what was happening, but I heard a man’s voice on the other side of the phone, he said ‘Violet, I know you’re in here’ or something like that.” He sighed.

“I could only hear her heavy breathing, she didn’t talk. I told her to stay on the phone, but I heard something smashing and then some screaming and then suddenly the line went dead.” His face fell.

“But what I don’t understand is, why’d she call me instead of you?” He raised his head and put on a suspicious face.

Oh crap, I’ve been ignoring her calls. This is all my fault, if I didn’t ignore her calls, I would’ve been there earlier to save her.

“Listen man, I’m exhausted. I’m going back, I’ll be here first thing in the morning.” Blaze stood up from the sofa and he left without another word, I heard the front door opening and closing before I let out a loud sigh.

Lately, almost everything pisses the hell out of me. This was all because of that piece of shit, Aaron. Ever since Violet came into my life and ever since Aaron met her, she has been a target for him, and that pisses me off because she’s mine and whatever the reason it is on why Aaron wants her is just plain stupid.
A few months back, Aaron did something so ridiculously stupid that I was now not able to be spotted in public, that’s one reason why my temper shortened. Another reason is because Jay has been asking such absurd tasks or, as he likes to call it, “missions” for me to do. I know that I’m the best man in the gang, but that doesn’t mean I’ll literally do anything for money, because 4 days ago, when I left Violet for 2 days, I had to go out of the city to talk to some drug dealer. Now, I know that I’m a criminal and yes, it is expected that I’ll have tons of drug dealing friends, but me? I don’t do drugs. Heck I don’t even have any drug-dealing friends. I may be a criminal, but I do have a heart.

3 hours has passed and I wasn’t even able to sleep, it’s already 5 in the morning. I felt my eyes burning from the lack of sleep, but I don’t care, I need Violet back. I was so worried when Blaze showed up at 2 in the morning carrying a bruised up Violet in his arms. I was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee on the table in front of me.
20 minutes later, Doc Walter came out of my bedroom with beads of sweat on his forehead, he too looks exhausted.

“How is she?” I stood up from the couch.

“She’s okay. Her arm needed stitches from the deep cut, there’s one broken rib, a few bruises around her body, but it’ll fade in 2 weeks or so.”

“Does she need anything?”

“She needs to take these pills when she wakes up, and drink it twice a day, after breakfast and after dinner. I’ll be coming back in 2 days to check on her stitches and her rib.” He said sternly.

“Okay, thanks, Doc.”

He nodded and exited my house, leaving me in front of my own bedroom by myself. I let out a sigh of relief, relieved that Violet was okay.

Slowly, I opened the door, hesitating a bit. I tried making no sound as I walked over to the other side of the bed.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I tugged on my shirt and took it off, leaving my boxers. I lay beside Violet and stared at her, while studying her face. I couldn’t see her body because it was covered by the duvet, but her face, her face is also bruised up. I could see that her lip is slightly cut, her right eye is also swollen and her cheekbone also looks bruised up.

Whoever did this to Violet will pay. I will find that person and I will make him pay for what he did to Violet. How could anyone do such a thing to an innocent girl?

I frowned at the thought of it, the thought of abusing her. With another glance of the beautiful girl beside me, I lay on my back and closed my eyes.



Hey guys, so I was supposed to update a few hours ago, but my wifi died, so I wasn't able to update it. Oh and sorry for the short chapter.
Anyways, I hope you remember Aaron and Jay because they'll be playing in a lot of chapters soon. 

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