Chapter 37.

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Chapter 37.

I was awake throughout the whole car ride, I didn’t care if it was 1am in the morning or if it is 4am in the morning. I wasn’t sleepy, I’m wide-awake.

I’ve noticed that we were out of the city and our surroundings are more of trees than buildings, there weren’t any cars, probably 1 or 2, but no more than that. I put my head against the car window and stared at the trees we passed by. Harry was driving pretty fast, making the view blurry.

“Are you alright?” He asked me.

“Yeah.” I breathed out.

“If you’re tired, go sleep. It’s 3 in the morning.” He said, while his eyes are still on the road.

“How many more hours till we arrive?”

“Around 15 minutes.” He tapped the stirring wheel.

Then why’d he ask me to sleep if we’re arriving in 15 minutes? Sometimes I don’t understand how this boy’s mind works. I was about to look at the window again, but I saw Harry’s phone turn on, then it flashed red for a split second and turned off again. I was about to reach out for his phone on the cup holder, but the car stopped.

“Harry, does your phone flash red every time?” I asked him.

“No, why?” He reached for his phone and looked at it, and then he shoved it inside his pocket.

“Um, just wondering.” He raised one of his eyebrows and exited the car.

“You need some rest.” He chuckled before closing the car door.

I rolled my eyes playfully and got out of the car. I was hoping that we would stop in a motel or something, since it was 3.30am now, but instead, we’re in the train station. The train station looked deserted, there were probably 2-3 people here, but no more than that. The train station looked like it was kind of abandoned, but it’s probably not, because there were obviously people here and it might just look like that since it was in the middle of the night. Then again, places do look sort of scary in the middle of the night, right? On the sides of the train station, the space was filled with dark green trees. There were a few dim streetlights, and honestly, this place gave me the chills. It looks creepy.

Harry opened the back seat door and grabbed both of our duffle bags. He put the car key in his black skinny jeans’ pocket and walked up beside me. He put the bags down and walked up closer to me making our bodies slightly touch.

“Are you cold?”

“Not really.”

He sighed and walked back to his car, he pressed the unlock button on the key and the car made a noise. Harry opened the front door and grabbed something black. When he shut the car door and locked the car, he jogged over to me and handed me a black sweater.

“Here.” He chuckled.

I replied a ‘thanks’ and wore it. The sweater was oversized, so it looked too big for me. The sleeves went over my hands, but it didn’t matter because it felt warm and it smelled like Harry. He bent down and grabbed both of our duffle bags.

“Let me carry mine.” I reached over my bag,

“It’s fine.” He smiled.

“No really, I want to carry it.”

“Really?”  He started walking to the glass door, I followed behind him and when we reached the glass door, it automatically slid aside. We both went inside the station and walked towards the ticket booth where a tired looking lady with a blue shirt sitting was on the chair.

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