Chapter 34.

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Sorry for the mistakes xx

Chapter 34.

I woke up to an empty side beside me. Harry was obviously gone and no where insight. I rolled over to my nightstand and noticed that he left a little note taped to my night lamp.

“Good morning.
Sorry I had to leave early, I’ve got something to do,
but I’ll meet you this afternoon.

I put the note down and let my feet dangle over the bed. Today’s Sunday, so I have no school today, obviously, and I can’t ask Nick for homework since I don’t have a phone and that’s all because of my father. Speaking of him, I wonder what happened to him. Mother said that she wasn’t allowed to go out of the house and that father cut out the telephone line, so basically he’s still here. Damn.

To be completely honest, I give up. I give up with this whole family situation thing, it’s getting old and there’s nothing I can do about it, so might as well live with it, but of course, there’s a part of me that wishes that my father would stop treating my mother and I like worthless pieces of shit.

With a sigh that escaped my lips, I stood up from my bed and stretched again, wincing at the cracking sound from my bones.
As usual, I did my morning routine and went downstairs to get breakfast. The living room had around 4 beer bottles scattered on the floor, so I’m pretty sure my father was drunk last night, but thank God that he didn’t do anything.

I was about to go back up the stairs, but my mother appeared.

“Violet? Can we talk?” She had ‘worried’ written across her face. Oh, this might not be good.

I nodded and we both went inside the kitchen.


I sat down on the table while she sat across me. For some reason, my heart starting beating fast and my palms are about to sweat because of nervousness.

“How are you doing?” She asked me.

“I’m doing fine mum,”
“Are y-“

Oh, if this is about me being gone for a week,

“If this is about me being gone for a week, then mum, I told you, I was just in a friend’s house and he decided to take care of me.”

She scanned my face, then her eyes moved to my arms. Her eyes widened at my arms. Oh, right, the cut.

“What happened to your arm?”

He leaned across the table to take a look of my arm.

“Nothing.” I muttered. I really don’t want to talk about it because she’ll probably confront my father about it and then the same thing will happen again.

“It’s your dad, is it?” She sat back in her chair while shaking her head.

I kept quiet and looked around, but my mother.

“And you went to a boy’s house?” She raised an eyebrow up.

“Uh what?” I looked back at my mother.

“You said that ‘he decided to take care of you’.”

“Oh, I did? Um, y-yeah.” Damn, I didn’t realize I said that. Great.

“By any chance, does he have curly hair, green eyes and is about 5' 11?”

Wait, is she describing Harry?

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