Chapter 14

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"The couple took part in a sensual photoshoot, showcasing the other side of their relationship. The two got intimate on camera, with deep, close touches-"

"Please stop..." Junmyeon weakly pleaded.

All nine members of EXO were currently in their dorm, eight of them huddled together on the couch and bending over a particular magazine that had just come out that day, listening to Jongdae reading the article out loud, while the member mentioned in the article was off to the side, face buried in his hands.

Jongdae ignored his leader and continued to read. "The couple also participated in an intimate interview, where they revealed details about their relationship previously not known to the public."

"Kim Jongdae, seriously, I'm begging you..."

Minseok took the magazine from the younger's hands and began flipping through the pictures. "These are incredibly good, Junmyeon-ah," he said.

Sehun reached out for the magazine, flipping back to the interview questions. "'When did you two first meet?' 'How much time do you spend together?' 'What sort of things do you talk about?'" he read some of the questions out loud. He then looked up at his members. "These questions though..."

"Read the answers, read the answers!" Yixing urged.

Sehun opened his mouth to read out the answers when Junmyeon stood up and shakily went inside. The members turned to look at the figure disappearing into his bedroom. "Wait, hyung!" Sehun yelled, getting to his feet. "You are the one who needs to hear these answers!"

"I don't want to!" The leader yelled.

"Let's go get him," Chanyeol said, having enjoyed this tremendously.

Six members followed their leader into his room, probably to prod and tease him about it a bit more. Jongin and Baekhyun stayed back in the living room though. Baekhyun opened up the packet of chips he had brought (his long deserved snack) and flipped through the channels before finally settling on some sort of documentary.

Jongin, in the meantime, went through the article once more, looking over the pictures, the questions and the responses. His eyes then fell onto a photo of Junmyeon and Eunji on the bed, her eyes tightly closed as he seemed to be teasing her. He, on the other hand, seemed pretty amused, a lovely smile on his face.

Jongin stared at the photo for a while, the wheels turning in his head. After a few moments, he turned to Baekhyun. "Hyung," he called.

"Hm?" Baekhyun hummed, mouth full of chips.

Jongin turned the magazine and showed the picture to the older. "Notice something wrong with this picture?" he asked.

Baekhyun looked at it for a moment. "What are you talking about, Jongin-ah?" he asked. "There's nothing wrong with that photo. It's just a normal one taken at a photoshoot."

Jongin shook his head. "I'm telling you, there's something wrong," he insisted.

"Are you sure you're not seeing things?" Baekhyun asked, worried for his junior. "Do you need rest?"

"I'm perfectly fine!" Jongin said. "But here, focus on hyung!"

Baekhyun looked back at the picture, sighing. "Alright, I'll humor you," he said. "But just know that I'm doing this because you're so insistent and not because-" He paused as he caught something in the photograph.

He straightened up, putting his packet away and took the magazine so he could look at it closer. He examined the evidence from a few different angles, even turning the magazine upside down, with the same result. He then looked up to Jongin who was looking at him with an "I told you so" look in his eyes.

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