Chapter 20

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He found Jongin to be the only one in the dorm when he walked through the door.

"Where are the others?" he asked.

The younger idol pointed with his thumb to the back. "Yixing-hyung, Sehun and Kyungsoo-hyung are in the shower, Minseok-hyung and Jongdae-hyung left just before you arrived and Chanyeol-hyung and Baekhyun-hyung left early for their schedules," he informed.

Junmyeon nodded, dropping his bag on the couch next to him. "And what about you? Don't you have anything to do?"

Jongin shook his head. "Not much  schedule-wise," he said. "I was just going to go to the studio for a while and then go out with Soojung."

Junmyeon hummed in approval. Just as he made to go inside, a question from the younger made him stop in his tracks.

"So...did anything happen last night?"

He looked back to see Jongin looking at him with an expectant gaze. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Come on, hyung," Jongin said. "A man and a woman...alone in a hotel room...together..." he emphasized.

Junmyeon cocked an eyebrow. "I don't know what you're implying, Jongin-ah, but nothing happened last night."

"And am I supposed to believe that?"

"You better, because it's the truth."

Jongin sat up, putting aside the phone in his hand. "Hyung, give me a little something," he sounded like he was almost pleading for juicy gossip. "Something must have happened, right?" He then sat down, exhaling in frustration. "Well, what did I expect? You're the kind of person who'd take two separate rooms."

"Actually..." Junmyeon slowly said. "I ended up getting one room."

Jongin sat up once more, eyes wide. "One room?" he asked. "So what happened?" he exclaimed.

"Nothing happened," Junmyeon repeated himself. "They just...assumed I had money and booked us into a suite instead of two small rooms."

"So...?" Jongin asked. "Did you two sleep on the same bed?" He paused, eyes widening. "Did you sleep together?"

"Nothing of the sort that you're imagining happened last night, so stop going down such a route," Junmyeon said. "For your information, I slept on the couch."

Jongin actually looked disappointed. "Oh, really, huh? Right..."

Junmyeon folded his arms across his chest. "Don't tell me you're disappointed nothing between me and Eunji happened," he sighed. 

Jongin frantically shook his hands. "N-no-I-uh..."

Junmyeon heaved a breath. "Seriously," he said, running a hand through his hair, "it's almost like you kids are waiting for something to happen."

"We actually are, hyung," Jongin interrupts his thoughts.

Junmyeon raised his eyes to meet the dark brown of the second youngest. "Hyung, the guys and I have been following your relationship because we want you to be happy the way you always make us."

"I get it," Junmyeon said. "Baekhyun told me this before." He turned so that he was facing Jongin better. "But still, that doesn't excuse you virtually stalking someone else's love life."

"Do you know why we do that?" Jongin asked.

A moment of silence fell over the leader and his junior as neither broke eye contact. Junmyeon stayed silent, and then gestured for Jongin to say what he wanted to say.

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