Seven | ✓

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"Yeah!" Chuck yelled, with a smile on his face.

Alby, who somehow managed to survive the night tangled in vines, was lifted off Minho's and Thomas' shoulders and was passed to the Med-jacks.

"What bloody happened out there? Did you see a Griever?" Newt asked as he limped over to Amelia, who leant on the walls.

"How's your ankle?" he whispered. Amelia sighed at the question.

"It's fine. Luckily, nothing happened to make it worse," she replied, not wanting to inform him of how Thomas flung her into the air.

"And we didn't just see a Griever. Thomas killed one.".


Amelia was continuously tossing and turning in her hammock that night. She could not stop thinking about her incident and the horrific journey the night before.

She got up and left without making a sound and headed to the tower that Gally built. She rested her arms on the railings as her legs dangled over the edge. It was peaceful and quiet until a silhouette opened the flap to enter. Amelia brandished her machete that she took with her when the figure spoke.

"Woah, woah. Chill, it's Thomas," he spoke. Amelia sighed in relief and put the machete on the ground as Thomas sat next to her.

"Shuck, Tommy. You scared the klunk out of me. What are you doing here, anyway?" she asked. He muttered an apology before saying he was unable to sleep. He spotted her on the tower and thought why not join. Silence filled the air once again. Naturally, Amelia rested her head on Thomas's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

And if you're wondering, she's off-limits. It was neither her's or Alby's rule, she just rejects everyone, Thomas remembered what Newt had told him during the Bonfire. He knew it was wrong but it felt right as if they had done this before the Maze.

"What's going to happen to me?" he asked, breaking the silence between them.

"Newt said we'll have a Gathering. Who knows what your fate might be," she answered quietly. Thomas took a moment to process what she said and opened his mouth to say something when someone opened the flap and appeared.

"There you two are. Heard some noises, looked around and saw both of you gone. Go to sleep for shuck's sake. Come on, lovebirds, it's late," Newt glared at them before disappearing again.

'He's right. Come on. Night Tommy.".


"What's up, gents?"

"Oh, would you stop saying gents, for the world's sake. It'a getting annoying," a younger Amelia snapped at a young Asian boy, who rolled his brown eyes in response. A small dark-skinned boy chuckled at the two bickering children.

She looked at the two new kids that a blond boy brought with him. One familiar boy and one unfamiliar girl. Both their faces were blurry. She walked around them, observing them like how her doctor did to her but stopped upon realising that they felt uncomfortable.

"You two seem cooler than I thought. I was expecting greasy-haired, buck-toothed weirdos quoting Shakespeare and writing math problems on their hands. You actually look half-normal," she told them and looked at the blond boy, impressed.

"Uhm, thanks?"  a familiar voice made it sound more of a question than an answer

"Well, I'm Amelia," she spoke.

"And I have a feeling we'll be very good friends."


"I like you."

"I like you too."

"No, I like like you," she smiled at the blurred figure's words.

"Maybe, I like like you too."


Amelia took a seat next to Newt during the Gathering. She could not help but feel like the 'dream' she had last night was more of a memory. Many have gone through the same thing, but no one was really sure if they were dreams or actual memories. She pushed those thoughts away and looked over to Thomas and made eye-contact.

"It'll be fine," she mouthed, Thomas nodded and looked at the floor, pretending to be interested in it. As the Gladers began to quiet down, Gally started to talk.

"Things are changing, there's no denying that," as the Keeper of the Builders continued to talk as if he was in charge, Amelia couldn't stop thinking about the 'dream'.

She could not have just thought of Newt's, Alby's and Minho's younger selves. Were they even the boys' younger selves? And who were the blurred figures? Who confessed saying they fancied her?

"But he did save Alby's life," Frypan interjected, snapping Amelia out of her thoughts.

"Did he?" Gally questioned. Amelia bit her tongue in order to prevent herself from retorting something.

"Three years we have co-existed with these things. And now, he killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us.".

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Newt asked.

"I say he gets punished," Gally suggested. The Gladers started to bicker over Gally's suggestion until Newt silenced everyone. The British boy looked at Amelia and Minho before calling them out and asked what were their thoughts.

Amelia glimpsed at Thomas, who sat silently and twiddled with his thumbs. She looked at Minho and gestured him to talk first.

"I say we make him a Runner," Minho insisted after his small speech, causing everyone to start quarrelling again.

"That's ridiculous. He should get kicked off the Council for saying something so stupid," Gally yelled, Newt shot him a glare causing the Keeper to shut up before telling Minho to defend his proposal. Minho went on to talk about the differences between how they all first started out and Thomas and what had happened that night.

Thomas, himself, was not listening. He had multiple questions in his mind. Were they going to Banish him? Would they even go that far? He was snapped back into reality when a fight broke out between Minho and Gally, it stopped when an alarm went off.

He spotted Amelia and Newt exchanging confused looks before running out, everyone else following soon after.

"What's going on?" Thomas asked Chuck.

"The box, it's coming back up. It shouldn't be.".

Newt and Gally opened the doors. Amelia jumped into the box. She looked up to the crowd with confusion and delight.

"It's another girl," she announced.

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