Eleven | ✓

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Heaving a sigh, Amelia stood by the door and watched Alby while Jeff had gone to deal with another careless Slicer. She closed her eyes, hoping that her first friend in the Glade would wake up soon. She felt someone's presence next to her.

Opening one eye, she saw Newt. He looked almost like how he was when she first met him, completely stressed and terrified. His brown eyes said it all.

"He will wake up, he has to." She hoped what she said will happen.

"Let's not give ourselves false hope," replied Newt. His tone was monotonous. Amelia looked down onto the floor with both eyes, knowing that he was right.

"Thomas and Minho should be back by now. Let's wait by the doors," she turned swiftly and left her blond friend with their unconscious leader.


"What the hell was going on out there?" Newt asked as Thomas and Minho returned. Rivulets of sweat dripped down the sides of their faces.

Newt and Minho walked in front while everyone else followed behind. Minho went on to explain that he and Thomas had found something new.

"You're saying that you found the Grievers' Hole, and you want us to go in?" Amelia exclaimed. Her eyes wide and her jaw dropped.

"Their way in could be our way out, Lia," Thomas responded. Gally instantly interrupted. Amelia knew Thomas's blood began to boil as he spun. The two Gladers started to argue with the other, Amelia felt as if it was some kind of yelling competition.

"Guys," Amelia heard a faintly familiar voice over the verbal fight. She managed to spot Teresa.

"HEY! It's Alby," the new girl announced, successfully gaining the attention and helped stop the fight.

"He's awake.".


Once again, I'm sorry for how short this chapter is. I've already written the next chapter and it's really long. I'll be updating the next chapter today after I finish editing some mistakes!

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