Ten | ✓

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Hearing footsteps follow them from behind, Gally and Thomas spun around. Gally held up the torch. Its light showed the face of Amelia.

"I'll take him for here. I need to talk to him." Gally hesitated and squinted his eyes but gave the torch to her. He walked away into the darkness. They sauntered their way to the pit as if there's nothing wrong with the world.

"So, what exactly did you need to talk about?" Thomas broke the silence, worry was slightly evident in his voice.

"Reality, nothing. I just didn't want Gally to tear your head off if you said something stupid," she told him in an unconvincing tone. Thomas pretended to be convinced but he knew something was up her sleeve. Nothing else was said until they reached the pit.

"Okay, actually,I did want to talk to you about something," Amelia confessed, tying the knot tightly. Thomas remained near the opening as she spoke.

"I know... That you heard mine and Newt's conversation. A little birdy told me." Thomas shrunk back, feeling like he was in trouble. "Don't worry, Newt and I won't do anything to you. I just want to know ... What exactly did you hear?" 

He acted as he was interested in the ground before gathering his courage to say.

"I, uhm," he fidgeted around for e moment. "I heard you tell him about the so-called confession," he could hear Amelia sigh. He continued to avoid eye contact as she said nothing.

"I also heard someone else's voice. Except, it wasn't verbally. Like someone spoke in my head. The voice came from Teresa.".

He looked up. Amelia's eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head vaguely to the side. Her mouth opened but no words came out. She closed her mouth and bit her lip before standing up.

"Thanks for information, Thomas. I better be going. Night, Tommy," she left, sprinting towards the Homestead. Thomas let out a deep sigh once she was out of sight.


"You ready, greenie, or you want to sit this one out?" Minho spoke with a small smirk.

"Come on, man. Just get me out of here," Thomas groaned. Minho let out a small laugh and helped Thomas out of the pit. He gave Thomas his armor and they started to jog to the doors. They spotted Amelia's petite figure in the distance.

"What are you doing here?" Minho tensed and his eyebrows furrowed. She stayed silent as she glanced at Thomas.

"Nothing. Just ... Came here to say bye, " she grinned. The Doors started to open, Amelia's smile dropped but Minho barely noticed, Thomas did. When Minho started to run ahead, Thomas stayed behind for a moment.

"We'll come back alive and safe, I promise," he told her. The corners of her lips went up by a bit. He felt something unusual in him before he ran after Minho, leaving her behind.


This is a short chapter but it is better than nothing. My apologies for not updating since March. I thought since Mid-Year Exams are coming up, I should publish a small chapter before tackling my exams. I haven't bothered to revise yet they are a day away.

I hope everyone has a nice day ahead and I promise after Mid-Year Exams, I'll update more often.

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