Chapter 5: Natalie's First Day

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Chapter 5: Natalie's First Day

Tammy P.O.V.

There was a tapping noise on my window as I was putting my school stuff in my bag. I looked at my window to see Natalie peering at me through the window and beckoning for me to come and open it. I reluctantly opened it and Natalie climbed into my room through the window. She looked happy to be wearing her new school uniform. She seemed to beaming. She.must have been very excited for school.

"What're you doing here?" I couldn't help but asking.

"We came to walk to school with you," said Natalie, stumbling over her words. I remembered Maddy saying she had speech issues.

I looked out the window to see Tom and Shannon waving at me as Rhydian and Maddy held hands, grinning like lovesick puppies. I couldn't help but smile at that sight.

"Sure, I'm coming," I said as I finished packing my bag. "Mom, I'm going!" I called, "see you after school!"

I climbed out of the window with Natalie. Our house was small- only one story since it was just me and my mom- and my bedroom was on the side of the house. I loved to look out of the window at late afternoon when the sun was going down. Oh, the view was so pretty! In the past week that I'd lived here, that was the first thing I'd noticed- the view.

"The view here at sunset is beautiful," I told the others.

We started off for the school and almost immediately they began to talk about the party. I sighed.

"What's wrong Tam?" asked Shannon.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Tam, you were like this all yesterday at the party," said Natalie, stumbling over the words. "Why can't you just TELL us the problem?"

I looked at them all, sat on an old log, and burst into tears. Nat sat down by me and put her arm around me.

"I'm upset," I said, "because seeing you all happy with your new family made me think of how I don't have a family like yours- no siblings or dad and no mom that's always there for me, to hug me and kiss me and constantly say I love you, because my mom is always away at work or doing something in her home office whenever she IS at home instead of spending time with me. I guess I should admit it. I'm jealous of you Nat. And you too, Maddy. I wish I had what you had."

I continued to cry as Nat continued to hug me. Rhydian sympathized with me. He hadn't known who his real mum was until last year because he'd been in foster care all his life. Tom knew what it was like to not have a dad around- his parents were divorced and he only saw his dad on every other weekend. Shannon didn't have any siblings either, though she wished she had one as much as I did.

After a few minutes, Rhydian handed me a tissue. "Lets get going, shall we?" he asked.

Sniffling, I nodded my head and blew my nose. I picked up my backpack, put it on, and headed to the school with the others, wiping my puffy red eyes and blowing my runny nose. We stopped by the headmaster’s room to get Natalie's schedule and then Tom, Shannon, Rhydian, and Maddy left their separate ways, leaving me to show Nat where all her classes were- with me.

The bell rang and we went to our first class. Natalie suddenly looked like she was going to throw up.

"I'm nervous," she stuttered. We went into the classroom and I tapped Miss on the shoulder.

"Yes, what is it Tammy?" asked the teacher.

"New student, miss," I said, "her name is Natalie Smith. She just moved here two days ago."

Miss smiled. "Class, we have yet another new student joining us," she said, "her name is Natalie Smith and she just moved here two days ago, so make her feel welcome."

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